瞭解狗狗的腸胃炎類型、可能出現的各種症狀、治療選擇、何時需要看獸醫師。 -
結識新朋友和其他寵物可能會讓您和您的小狗感到興奮,也可能會給您和小狗帶來壓力。看看降低壓力的技巧吧。 -
看看這些實用小秘訣,讓新狗狗自在的獨自看家。 -
小狗該什麼時候開始吃固體食物? 小狗什麼時候需要接種疫苗?看看這個成長時間表來了解他處於哪個發展階段。 -
為什麼我的狗狗看起來很哀傷?你的狗可能只是在尋找你的互動與關注。發現您的狗悲傷的眼睛的其他潛在原因。 -
雖然讓狗吃藥可能很棘手,學習一些有價值的技巧,幫助它們輕鬆服用藥片、液體和其他藥物吧! -
瞭解狗狗施打狂犬病疫苗的常見副作用,以及提醒你該帶狗狗去看獸醫的不常見反應。 -
了解如何辨別狗狗扭傷腳的症狀、獸醫師通常如何診斷這個病症、治療選擇、如何協助預防未來扭傷。 -
了解與您的狗分享一片比薩是否安全,哪些成分會導致健康問題,以及如果他吃了一些比薩將有多大問題。 -
瞭解去除地毯尿漬和異味的最佳訣竅及技巧,包括近期和已存在一段時間的尿漬。 -
學習在家中安全地修剪狗指甲的基礎知識,包括您需要的工具以及使修剪變得無痛和輕鬆的技術。 -
為什麼我的狗狗會發抖?6 種常見的顫抖原因
如果你注意到你的狗狗會發抖和顫抖,或許會想是不是哪裡出了問題。瞭解常見的原因和你可以採取的行動。 -
了解關於可卡貴賓犬你需要知道的事,包括牠的外表和行為,以及這一設計品種是否適合你。 -
狗狗吃泥土:這可能是偶發事件或常見現象,進一步瞭解遇到這種情形時你該怎麼做,以及是否該尋求獸醫協助。 -
我的狗狗在咳嗽:6 種可能的原因
瞭解導致狗狗咳嗽的常見病症、協助確認咳嗽原因的徵象,以及獸醫師可能建議的治療選項。 -
季節性過敏會像人類一樣影響狗,但通過一些預防措施和測試或藥物,您可以控制這些問題。 -
了解幫助您清潔狗爪的技巧,從清除雜物到修剪爪墊之間的毛髮,以及清潔它們的頻率。 -
瞭解狗狗身上常見的腫塊和凸起類型、長時間監測的訣竅,以及可能轉變為健康問題的時機。 -
如果您是一位狗狗家長,可能看過愛犬的尿液中帶有血液。狗的尿中帶血雖然看起來嚇人,不過通常是可以治療的。普通的泌尿道感染或良性前列腺問題,都可能造成尿中帶血。 -
瞭解造成狗狗容易口渴的多種病症,包括單純的脫水到更嚴重的問題,並知道何時應該尋求獸醫師的協助。 -
Try to get down on your dog’s level – literally – and take a good look around. Does the sofa loom high overhead and the slippery kitchen floor seem to extend for miles? -
了解犬膿皮症的外觀、原因,以及營養和狗狗的食物可能對預防及治療這種感染有何作用。 -
瞭解您的愛犬是否出現發炎性腸病的症狀,這和人類的腸躁症候群有什麼不同?獸醫師會如何協助您處理與治療這類疾病。 -
瞭解什麼樣的狗狗食品才是「天然」的、 其中的天然成分有哪些,以及對愛犬的好處。 -
瞭解如何解讀幼犬的肢體語言,對牠的所需所求更加心知肚明,並用最適合的方式來照護牠。 -
來瞭解如何評估狗狗的智力,而為什麼犬種的體型和個性是重要因素呢?以及寵物家長對愛犬學習成效的影響。 -
瞭解影響愛犬新陳代謝與體重的關鍵,例如年齡、荷爾蒙、遺傳等因素,以及營養和運動可以如何促進狗狗的代謝速率。 -
瞭解導致愛犬掉毛最常見的幾個原因,以及如何分辨狗狗是正常掉毛,或是受到寄生蟲感染。 -
一起來瞭解愛犬適當的絕育年齡,還有成犬是否可以結紮,以及手術後,可能會需要注意哪些併發症。 -
為什麼母狗會出現騎乘的動作?瞭解這種古怪行為背後的原因,以及有助於約束騎乘習慣的方式。 -
瞭解為何要對成犬進行籠內訓練,以及哪些方法可以讓狗狗對於新籠子感到舒適自在。 -
瞭解有哪些方法讓您在執行減重計畫時,也能讓狗狗一起參與,包括一起進行的運動和活動,以及合適的健康小點心。 -
您的愛犬害怕看醫生嗎?瞭解哪些方法可以緩解狗狗的焦慮,讓愛犬看醫生時不再緊張。 -
一起來發現中型犬的可愛特質,包括體型上的優勢,以及如何根據您的家庭和生活習慣,挑選最適合的狗狗品種。 -
藉由純種狗狗常見的外觀或行為特徵,瞭解如何辨別愛犬的品種。 -
了解犬疥癬皮膚疾病:疾病說明、如何發現症狀,以及毛囊蟲疥癬和穿孔疥癬蟲疥癬的治療。 -
向獸醫師請教:瞭解狗狗骨關節炎的成因、症狀、對關節的影響,以及該如何治療。 -
如果您最近養了新的狗狗,您需要瞭解狗狗所需接種的各類疫苗,以及這些疫苗能夠幫助狗狗抵禦哪些疾病。 -
香蕉對狗狗來說是好東西還是壞東西呢?點開文章來看餵食香蕉點心是否安全,和假使狗狗連皮吃掉一整根香蕉時應該怎麼辦? -
向獸醫師請教:瞭解狗狗的腎臟,還有急性和慢性腎病分別有哪些症狀,以及如何治療和控制病情。 -
深入瞭解母狗是否有月經、月經可能來臨的時間,以及更多關於母狗動情週期的資訊。 -
有三分之一的狗狗因為癌症而受到不同程度的影響,一起瞭解狗狗會罹患哪些癌症、應該注意哪些症狀,以及哪些治療方案能夠提供協助。 -
瞭解所有狗狗的品種、品種類別,以及讓新品種獲得正式認可的流程。 -
你的狗真的喜歡被撫摸嗎?了解撫摸狗的最佳地點,尤其是對於新的小狗主人,以及撫摸時要避開的區域。 -
瞭解關於蛋白質與犬用食品的真實資訊,包括狗狗需要的蛋白質攝取量及高蛋白質食品中所需含有的成份。 -
高齡犬常見的 8 種健康問題
瞭解高齡犬最常見的健康問題,例如聽力或視力喪失、關節問題,以及失智症等,並瞭解有哪些治療選項。 -
想知道為什麼您的愛犬會便秘嗎?或者,為什麼狗狗會腹瀉?來瞭解更多常見的狗狗消化道問題,以及居家護理的訣竅。 -
瞭解愛犬嘔吐的原因,有助您瞭解在什麼情況下,狗狗可能有更嚴重的健康問題 -
瞭解狗狗罹患關節疾病的常見症狀、造成問題和產生劇痛的原因,以及該如何治療。 -
瞭解幼犬服從訓練計畫該從何處著手,包括訓練秘訣、如何處理哀鳴與吠叫等問題,以及何時該用點心來獎勵牠。 -
狗狗的犬小病毒感染症是種嚴重,甚至可能致命的疾病,對幼犬更是危險。一起瞭解犬小病毒的相關資訊,還有萬一愛犬受到感染時,可以怎麼做。 -
瞭解狗狗失智症及認知功能障礙常見的症狀、如何診斷,以及哪些治療方法可以協助控制病情。 -
照顧愛犬日常健康的 7 個訣竅
從日常運動到規律梳毛,瞭解照護愛犬日常健康的各種訣竅,維持愛犬的幸福和健康。 -
瞭解愛犬便秘或無法排尿時,您該怎麼做。如果他沒有每天排便至少兩次,您該採取的行動。 -
對於愛犬的口腔護理,您夠重視嗎?了解一些維持愛犬齒齦健康的好訣竅,包括替牠刷牙的方法。 -
瞭解狗狗泌尿道問題和失禁的潛在原因,以及狗狗在家中亂尿尿的可能原因,以及您可以怎麼做。 -
學習辨別狗狗的鬱血性心衰竭徵象,提供狗狗活得更健康長壽的最佳機會。 -
每位狗狗家長遲早都需要面對愛犬的消化問題,關鍵在於如何判斷問題的嚴重性,以及發生時該如何處理。 -
透過考量體型、活動力、脾氣和年紀等特質,瞭解如何為孩子和家人選擇最合適的犬種。 -
了解是否可以餵食狗狗辛辣食物或是在牠的食物中添加辛香料,和這麼做會對健康產生的影響。 -
了解有關狗食過敏的實際狀況,例如常見的過敏源和原因,以及當愛犬診斷出食物過敏時,低過敏性狗食是否可以提供幫助。 -
您的健康狗便便指南,提醒著您留意某些便便的型態和可能的健康問題。 -
瞭解小狗在多大時可以外出探索世界,以及帶小狗散步和在狗狗公園時保持安全的訣竅。 -
為愛犬建立日常習慣是協助管理寵物的好方法,而且還能建立毛寶貝的安全感。學習如何建立健全的生活習慣 -
為甚麼明明身旁有個舒適的位置,狗狗卻偏要坐到您腿上,何時可以容許,何時不能姑息,快來一探究竟。 -
了解在為愛犬選擇最好的食品時該注意哪些事情。健康的成分、愛犬的年紀和牠的身體狀況都是重要的參考依據。 -
狗狗鼻子乾乾的可能是因為生病了。瞭解如何在狗狗鼻子乾裂、發熱、紅紅的、脫屑或有鼻腔分泌物時給牠最好的照護。 -
狗狗掉毛: 狗狗為何會掉毛?飼主該如何因應?
許多狗會掉毛,因此如果您想收養犬類毛孩,您可能會認為雜亂的房子是絕對的。了解如何保持房屋清潔。 -
5 種最聰明的狗狗
一起來認識 5 種最聰明的狗狗,像是邊境牧羊犬、德國狼犬和貴賓犬,以及這些狗狗聰明又容易訓練的原因。 -
您正在考慮領養或購買一隻新狗狗嗎?從居家環境準備到迎接愛犬入住,以下 10 個訣竅,可以幫助您成為最棒的新手狗狗家長。 -
瞭解如何挑選優質的狗狗美容師,不僅讓您放心,同時讓愛犬獲得良好照顧和美美的造型。 -
瞭解造成愛犬身體發癢的原因有哪些 (像是跳蚤、壁蝨、過敏等),看看您可以如何預防和處理這些問題。 -
觀察你的狗狗是否感染一般感冒或流感病毒,萬一牠生病了,請設法讓牠覺得舒服一點。 -
為愛犬挑選最好的食品,首先要找出符合狗狗營養需求的食物,一起來瞭解您需要考量哪些因素。 -
瞭解生食對狗狗帶來哪些潛在的風險,以及生食不是您或愛犬最佳選擇的原因。 -
7 種狗狗的消化道問題及應對方法
瞭解狗狗最常見的消化道與胃腸道問題 (例如腹瀉和吸收不良),以及幫助寵物舒緩的方法。 -
想要養隻狗狗嗎?一起來瞭解不同犬種的性格,以及在挑選最適合您的狗狗時,需要考慮家庭和生活的哪些面向。 -
瞭解狗狗剛吃下食物就吐出的可能原因 (例如進食速度過快或剛換新的食物) 以及預防措施。 -
選擇犬用乾糧還濕糧不必是個令人頭痛的決定,您甚至可以讓愛犬兩者搭配食用,歡迎閱讀本文,了解該如何選擇犬用乾糧及濕糧。 -
愛就是寵物幸福的主要來源。寵物與飼主間的特殊關係就是在一起生活的黏著劑。這就是為什麼分離焦慮症會成為許多飼主的嚴重議題。 -
瞭解現在的狗狗濕食配方如何經過大改造,以及如何配合愛犬的喜愛口味,同時又滿足狗狗所需的營養。 -
瞭解如何利用家中現成的物品,自製 DIY 的狗狗障礙訓練場。本文提供一些讓你和你的小狗狗展開訓練的意見及說明! -
瞭解狗狗熱衰竭與中暑的症狀、如何分辨牠是否過熱以及在緊急情況下如何幫牠急救。 -
幫助您瞭解不同品種、年齡和體型的狗狗所適合的運動量,以及選擇恰當的狗狗食物將如何影響狗狗的運動能力和活力 -
瞭解哪些狗寶貝行為代表牠的身心健康有問題。如此一旦你發現牠出現的癥狀與情緒,就會知道該如何幫助牠。 -
找出最優質的幼犬食品,讓您的愛犬在關鍵發育階段健康成長,而犬種體型、成分及餵食時間都是重要的考量因素。 -
本文會告訴你無穀類狗食是否對你的愛犬更有益、狗食中常用的穀類,以及在何種情況下別再餵食含穀類狗食。 -
本篇的五個訣竅能幫助您以有效的方式訓練幼犬,包含居家、群體及專業訓練。 -
瞭解造成狗狗皮膚問題的常見原因,像是寄生蟲、感染問題、飲食或環境等。 -
了解與主人分離一段時間後,思念主人的狗兒會做出何種反應。大多數的反應純粹是表達快樂與愛,而某些其它反應則是無價之寶。 -
學習如何控制狗狗散步時的怪行為。這些技巧可以幫助您處理狗狗拉扯牽繩、在地上打滾這些怪行為。 -
7 種狗狗的類別:特質與個性
瞭解品種是否會影響狗狗的個性,以及您可能會在 7 個主要的狗狗類別中,分別看到哪些特質。 -
瞭解如何訓練幼犬在固定位置上廁所,以減少在家中隨意大小便的意外,並替您節省清理的時間。 -
瞭解該餵懷孕期或哺乳期的狗媽媽吃什麼,才能保持狗媽媽與狗寶寶的健康。 -
瞭解如何判斷愛犬是不是快要過重了,閱讀以下實用建議,幫助狗狗瘦身及維持理想健康的體重。 -
為狗狗轉換食物不能操之過急的,了解一步一步慢慢來能如何幫助您的愛犬避免消化問題並且適應新家。 -
學習為愛犬打造與居家風格相符又別出心裁的狗狗餵食站。 -
學習如何讓你的狗停止在桌邊乞食, 並了解這對狗兒健康的重要性。 -
換牙是幼犬時期必經的過程,本篇的訣竅能幫助幼犬度過這段艱難時期,並避免您的住家受到幼犬破壞。 -
學會幫助您的狗保持舒適的最好方法;經由介紹狗狗給訪客,讓節日派對沒有壓力;給狗狗一個安靜的地方休息 -
學習在寒冷冬天裡,幫您狗狗保持溫暖的重要密訣。知道狗狗可以在戶外待多久;當狗狗覺得冷時可以怎麼幫他。 -
了解導致潮濕狗狗有異味的原因,以及您可以做些什麼來減少這些臭味沾染您的車子,和如何擺脫這些異味。 -
選擇適合的獸醫師對愛犬的健康十分重要,歡迎閱讀文章,了解該審慎評估的事項。 -
狗狗與有過敏體質的人可以一起生活。本文所載資訊可讓你瞭解毛孩引起的過敏、居家抗敏的辦法,以及是否真有不易造成人類過敏的犬種。 -
多數時候,蜜蜂叮咬對狗來說只不過是疼痛和難受而已。這篇文章介紹了常見叮咬昆蟲的種類、如何辨別過敏反應,以及簡易止痛的方法。 -
本文會告訴您巧克力對狗狗是否有害,以及發現狗吃下巧克力之後該如何處理。 -
如果你養的是大丹狗、靈緹、拳師狗或其他大型或巨型犬種,那麼你跟狗狗最喜歡的事,可能莫過於到戶外一起運動。這樣可讓你們兩個都保持健康,同時增進彼此感情。 -
狗狗亂咬東西的原因很多。本文宗旨是協助毛孩家長找出狗狗亂咬東西的原因並阻止狗狗具破壞力的行為。 -
狗狗在生物學分類上屬於肉食目,但這並不表示狗狗在行為、身體構造或飲食習慣上一定是肉食動物。本文向毛孩家長說明狗狗與人類一樣具有雜食動物的特徵。 -
無論您是從鄰居那兒聽來的,或者從網路上發現的小偏方,這些狗兒的謠傳都會誤導且提供錯誤的訊息。 -
胃敏感的狗狗有特殊需求。更深入了解狗狗胃敏感的症狀、你可以做些什麼來舒緩愛犬的胃,並獲得有關胃敏感狗食的建議。 -
拉布拉多獵犬 - 犬類品種 | 關於拉布拉多獵犬 | 希爾思™寵物
拉不拉多具備許多討喜的特徵—聰敏、容易訓練、是最好的居家同伴。拉布拉多獵犬體格健壯、身材結實。請到Hills.com.tw尋找更多犬類品種和愛犬照護資訊。 -
身體健康的狗狗,其皮膚與皮毛也會很健康。本文詳載的資訊包括健康皮毛的外觀以及理毛、梳毛、洗澡與營養等因素對狗狗保健的重要性。 -
瞭解影響狗狗腸胃之腸胃 (GI) 道不適與腸胃疾病的警訊、徵候與治療。 -
瞭解該與獸醫師討論哪些方面的幼犬健康情況。 -
探索為狗狗更換食物時,妥善過渡至新狗食的重要性。 -
瞭解狗狗腎臟病的警訊、症狀和治療方法,以及腎臟病會對愛犬身心健康帶來的影響。 -
您為愛犬準備了美味又營養的食物,但牠只是聞一聞、舔一舔而已。下一餐時間到了,但是上一餐還沒吃完。那您可能養了隻很挑嘴的狗! -
拉布拉多獵犬 - 犬類品種 | 關於拉布拉多獵犬 | 希爾思™寵物
拉不拉多具備許多討喜的特徵—聰敏、容易訓練、是最好的居家同伴。拉布拉多獵犬體格健壯、身材結實。請到Hills.com.tw尋找更多犬類品種和愛犬照護資訊。 -
肝臟是擁有許多功能的重要器官,包括消化和轉化營養素、將毒素從血液中排出、以及儲藏維他命及礦物質等。由於肝臟的功能是代謝體內多種不同的物質,因此非常容易受損。 -
新生幼犬照護:你需要知道的 5 件事
了解五個重要訣竅來幫助你照顧新生幼犬,包括如何為牠們保暖、哺乳建議等等。 -
瞭解領養的狗狗被送回收容所的原因,以便得知如何避免這種情非得已的狀況發生。 -
言語對人類的溝通交流很重要,但狗狗則藉由肢體語言和叫聲來溝通。了解如何解讀愛犬的行為。 -
想要養隻體型嬌小的狗狗嗎?瞭解飼養小型犬種的優缺點,像是餵食及居住空間等實用資訊,看看是否符合您的需求。 -
從收容所中認養老犬這個主意,聽起來好像辛苦的部份會多過於好處。事實上認養老犬可能是更適合您生活型態的絕佳選擇。 -
了解狗狗的警訊、症狀、糖尿病治療,以及餵牠們吃固定規律食品的重要性。 -
一有機會,狗狗就會一下子把甜食吞進肚裡,而這些食物可能會讓狗狗中毒,甚至致命,所以身為負責任的毛孩家長,要避免一時心軟而讓這樣的行為發生。 -
幼犬到了一歲大,就會變為成犬。一些行為在短期內可能還不會改變,但牠在許多方面的需求已經不一樣了。 -
了解選擇正確的犬用食品,如何有助於確保熟齡狗狗攝取正確且均衡的營養。 -
了解寵物的食品過敏和食物不耐受警告標誌、症狀和治療方法,以及對愛犬身體健康的影響。 -
新手飼主應慎重決定餵食幼犬的方式、時間和食品,並多加瞭解幼犬的餵食注意事項。 -
瞭解狗狗尿石症的警訊、症狀和治療方法,以及尿石症會對愛犬身心健康帶來的影響。 -
了解犬關節炎及關節疼痛的警訊、原因、癥狀與治療。及寵物需要均衡營養的原因 -
即使您的狗兒已經不再是幼犬,也不要忘了一個非常重要的原則,就是 "千萬不要將良好的行為視為理所當然。",您應該在心裡面把您希望狗兒能做的所有行為列個清單。 -
探索您的狗從小到老整個狗生中,不同生命時期的不同營養需求。以及您如何保持狗狗快樂、健康且窈窕玩耍。 -
皮膚敏感的狗狗有特殊需要,甚至健康的狗狗有時也會發生皮膚問題。更深入了解狗狗敏感皮膚的症狀、您可以做些什麼來幫助愛犬更舒服,並獲得敏感皮膚狗食的相關建議。 -
帶狗狗去看獸醫師對狗狗主人來說可能是一大挑戰。請詳閱上述可讓狗狗看診更放鬆的有效秘訣,包括用提籠帶狗狗去看獸醫師的方式。 -
常見的狗狗肥胖問題 - 您可以做些甚麼?
了解如何幫忙減少全國性的狗狗肥胖問題與肥胖原因,協助避免發生 -
以適當的時間間隔來餵食適當量的食物給您的熟齡犬是十分重要的,但有時可能並不容易做到,因為每隻狗兒的餵食需求量可能差異極大。食品包裝上的餵食指南僅供初期餵食參考。最重要的是,要定期監控狗兒的身體健康狀況並視情況調整餵食量。 -
探索美國境內25個狗友善健行步道,及無論您跟狗狗選擇什麼樣的路線都能夠安全又開心的小叮嚀。 -
許多人類食物都對狗狗有害。請詳閱狗狗的 5 大最毒致命食物說明,並瞭解這些食物對牠們的傷害。 -
照著希爾思寵物營養食譜,學習如何為毛孩製作狗狗點心。 -
請瞭解如何讓每個成員都享有美好的出遊時光,帶著小狗狗同行的闔家出遊也可以很新奇有趣。 -
了解狗狗為何是年長者忠誠的伴侶。他們只要求一些關注、一些活動跟愛。 -
狗狗疾病揭秘:過敏性皮膚炎 | 希爾思寵物
了解過敏性皮膚炎的警告標誌、症狀和治療方法,以及其他有關愛犬的皮膚狀況。 -
西高地白㹴犬 - 犬類品種 | 關於西高地白㹴犬 | 希爾思™寵物
西高地白㹴犬一如其他㹴犬,聰明、獨立、略為固執。請到Hills.com.tw尋找更多犬類品種和愛犬照護資訊。 -
貴賓犬 - 犬類品種 | 關於貴賓犬 | 希爾思™寵物
貴賓犬以高智商和容易訓練聞名。貴賓犬共分為三種體型或類型:標準型、迷你型、和玩具型。請到Hills.com.tw尋找更多犬類品種和愛犬照護資訊。 -
潘布魯克 威爾斯柯基犬 - 犬類品種 | 關於潘布魯克 威爾斯柯基犬 | 希爾思™寵物
潘布魯克 威爾斯柯基犬以反應快、意志力強聞名。牠們好動、吃苦耐勞、又渴望成為家庭的一份子。請到Hills.com.tw尋找更多犬類品種和愛犬照護資訊。 -
法國鬥牛犬 - 犬類品種資訊及性格特質 | 希爾思™寵物
法國鬥牛犬是性情溫和的居家犬,需要得到飼主的關注,適合獨居者飼養,因為牠會和其他家庭成員爭寵。 -
請閱讀大白熊犬的資料,包括這一犬種的個性和歷史資訊。 -
迷你雪納瑞 - 犬類品種 | 關於迷你雪納瑞 | 希爾思™寵物
迷你雪納瑞學習力優、適應力強,無論住在都市公寓或鄉村,都同樣怡然自得。迷你雪納瑞身材方方正正、毛髮粗硬。請到Hills.com.tw尋找更多犬類品種和愛犬照護資訊。 -
邊境牧羊犬 - 犬類品種 | 關於邊境牧羊犬 | 希爾思™寵物
邊境牧羊犬聰穎機靈,最適合住在鄉村。如果關著不給活動,此犬種很快就會變得憂鬱,開始搞破壞。 -
請閱讀英國鬥牛犬的資料,包括這一犬種的個性和歷史資訊。 -
臘腸犬 - 犬類品種 | 關於臘腸犬 | 希爾思™寵物
臘腸犬是忠誠的伙侶犬,和孩童相處融洽;但由於背部較長,易患椎間盤的疾病。請到Hills.com.tw尋找更多犬類品種和愛犬照護資訊。 -
吉娃娃 - 犬類品種 | 關於吉娃娃 | 希爾思™寵物
吉娃娃忠心、好親近,只要照護得宜,會是很好的居家寵物。光是待在家裡就能獲得足夠的活動量。吉娃娃是全世界最小的犬種。 -
黃金獵犬 - 犬類品種資訊及性格特質 | 希爾思™寵物
因為黃金獵犬容易滿足,所以牠們對於服從訓練的回應都很積極。更討喜的是牠們愛玩耍、愛撒嬌、而且性情溫和。 -
博美犬 - 犬類品種 | 關於博美犬 | 希爾思™寵物
博美犬個性驕傲但友善。體型雖小,卻需要定期運動,熱愛接受訓練。請到Hills.com.tw尋找更多犬類品種和愛犬照護資訊。 -
馬爾濟斯 - 犬類品種 | 關於馬爾濟斯 | 希爾思™寵物
馬爾濟斯適合養在室內和狹小的空間。體型迷你的牠性情溫和、反應熱烈、又聰慧機敏,體重介於4-6磅(2-3公斤)。請到Hills.com.tw尋找更多犬類品種和愛犬照護資訊。 -
約克夏㹴犬- 犬類品種資訊及性格特質 | 希爾思™寵物
約克夏㹴犬活力充沛、精神抖擻、喜歡當老大,但又很愛撒嬌。此犬種適合養在公寓,不過居家如廁訓練對牠而言並非易事。 -
比熊犬 - 犬類品種 | 關於比熊犬 | 希爾思™寵物
比熊犬愛玩但性情溫馴,不需要太多空間玩耍,適合養在公寓。此犬種不喜吠叫。 -
西施犬 - 犬類品種 | 關於西施犬 | 希爾思™寵物
西施犬個性驕傲而歡樂,相當需要飼主關注。西施犬在大多數國家被歸類為玩賞犬。請到Hills.com.tw尋找更多犬類品種和愛犬照護資訊。 -
狗狗品種 - hillspet.com.tw
了解各式犬種的個性與特色,尋找最適合您的狗狗。歡迎探索我們的圖書館,瀏覽相關訊息。 -
新手飼主| Hill's Pet
Learn what supplies to get and how to prepare if you're bringing home an adopted dog for the first time. Explore our library of articles to learn more. -
狗狗的健康照護 - hillsvet.com.tw
了解愛犬健康亮紅燈的原因,及營養在疾病預防所擔任的關鍵角色。歡迎探索我們的圖書館,瀏覽相關訊息。 -
狗狗的玩耍與運動 | 希爾思™寵物
了解透過玩具、遊戲及運動等有趣方法讓愛犬保有健康活力。歡迎探索我們的圖書館,瀏覽相關訊息。 -
狗狗的行為與外觀 | 希爾思™寵物
想了解愛犬古怪行為背後的原因,解讀牠的表情嗎?歡迎探索我們的圖書館,瀏覽相關訊息。 -
狗狗的營養與餵食 | 希爾思™寵物
了解犬用食品中重要的原料及如何挑選最適合愛犬的食品。歡迎探索我們的圖書館,瀏覽相關訊息。 -
愛犬資源與工具 | 希爾思™寵物
歡迎閱覽我們資訊豐富的圖書館,在此您可以尋獲許多與狗狗相關的文章與資源,幫助您與愛犬在生命旅途上一起前行。 -
狗狗的日常照護 | 希爾思TM寵物
了解如何提供愛犬基本照護,如梳洗或一起旅行。歡迎探索我們的圖書館,瀏覽相關訊息。 -
犬 | 訓練 - hillspet.com.tw
The Benefits of Fibre for Cats: Why Feed Fibre?
Learn why fibre is so important for your cat's diet and health. Explore the key benefits and advantages for cat gut health. See more at Hill's Pet UK. -
Helping Your Cat Overcome Fears of Thunder & Fireworks
It's not uncommon for a cat to be afraid of loud noises, especially thunder and fireworks. -
FLUTD And Urinary Tract Infections in Cats | Causes & Treatments
Learn about FLUTD and urinary tract infections in cats, including their symptoms, causes, and treatments. Visit Hill's Pet UK for expert cat care guidance. -
Halloween Safety Tips for Cats
Learn how to protect your cat during Halloween with our safety tips. Ensure a safe and happy spooky season and explore more expertise at Hill's Pet UK. -
Diabetes in Cats: Causes, Signs & Treatments
Learn about the causes, signs, and treatments of diabetes in cats and discover how to keep your pet in top health. Visit Hill's Pet UK for more information. -
Cat Not Drinking Water: Is Your Cat Dehydrated?
Understand the signs of dehydration in cats and what to do if your cat isn't drinking enough water. For expert hydration tips, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
Tips For Feeding A Fussy Eating Cat
Discover practical tips for feeding a fussy eating cat to ensure they get the nutrition they need. For more feeding advice for picky cats, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
Hyperthyroidism in Cats: Signs, Causes And Treatment
Discover the symptoms and treatment options for hyperthyroidism in cats, and find expert tips for a healthy cat. Visit Hill's Pet UK for more details. -
Pancreatitis In Cats: Signs, Causes And Treatment
Learn about the signs, causes and treatments of pancreatitis in cats and discover the different types of disease. Discover expert advice at Hill's Pet UK. -
Why Is My Cat Peeing Blood?
Learn about the potential causes and treatments of your cat peeing blood and when to seek vestiary care. For expert care advice on cat health, visit Hill's Pet. -
How Much Water Should A Cat Drink: Cat Hydration Guide
Discover how much water your cat needs to stay properly hydrated with our comprehensive cat hydration guide. For expert cat care tips, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
Cat Allergic Dermatitis: Causes & Treatments
Learn about the causes and treatments for allergic dermatitis in cats. Help your cat to keep their coat healthy with expert advice from Hill's Pet UK. -
Cat Hairballs: Causes & Treatments
Learn about the causes of cat hairballs and discover effective treatments to keep your feline healthy. For more cat healthcare advice, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
Ear Mites in Cats & Kittens: Signs, Symptoms & Treatments
Discover the signs, symptoms and effective treatment options of ear mites in cats and kittens. For expert advice on ear mite management, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
Can Cats Have Allergies? Signs, Common Types & Treatments
Discover if cats can have allergies, including the signs, common types, and treatment options. For expert feline allergy advice, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
Travelling With A Cat: Checklist & Tips
Prepare for a smooth journey with your feline friend using our travelling checklist and tips. For more expert advice on cat healthcare, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
How To Bathe A Cat: Our Guide
Discover how to bathe a cat with our detailed, step-by-step guide for a smooth and stress-free experience. For expert cat care tips, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
When Do Cats Stop Growing? Kitten Growth Guide
Find out when you can expect your kitten to be fully grown and follow our cat growth guide for healthy development. For expert advice, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
Kitten Vaccination Guide And Advice
Navigate kitten vaccinations and find advice for your cat's health with our comprehensive guide. For tips to give your kitten the best start, see Hill's Pet. -
A Guide to Neutering: Spaying or Castrating Your Cat or Kitten
Explore our guide to neutering, spaying or castrating your cat or kitten, including any effects and health benefits . For expert advice, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
What Plants Are Poisonous To Cats?
Discover the common plants that can pose a danger to your cat in and around the home. Find out how to keep your cat safe with advice from Hill's Pet. -
How To Train A Kitten To Use The Litter Tray
Master the steps to litter box training your kitten with our easy-to-follow guide. For health and training tips, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
Why Does My Kitten Keep Sneezing?
Uncover the reasons behind your kitten's sneezing and when it may require a vet's attention. For more kitten health insights, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in Cats: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in cats can be an uncomfortable gastrointestinal experience, and the cause is often unclear. Find out more at Hill's Pet UK. -
How To Tell If Your Cat Has A Skin Condition
Learn how to spot the signs of a skin condition in your cat and the steps to take for their wellbeing. For comprehensive care advice, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
Why Is My Cat Itching And Licking So Much?
Discover why your cat may be itching and licking excessively, and what it could mean. Get expert advice on feline healthcare at Hill's Pet UK. -
What Human Foods Can Cats And Kittens Eat?
Discover which human foods are safe for cats and kittens to enjoy. Ensure your pet's safety with our guide to healthy feeding at Hill's Pet UK. -
Cat Dandruff - Causes and How to Treat It.
Learn about the causes of cat dandruff and how to treat the skin condition for a healthier coat. Find effective solutions for cat dandruff at Hill's Pet UK. -
What Is The Best Diet For A Cat With Hyperthyroidism?
Explore the optimal diet for managing feline hyperthyroidism effectively and support cat health. Discover expert nutrition advice for your cat at Hill's Pet UK. -
How To Weigh Your Cat At Home
Learn the simple steps to accurately weigh your cat at home so you can monitor their health. For more expert guidance and tips, visit Hill's Pet Nutrition UK. -
Cat Colitis: Causes, Signs and Treatment
Discover the common causes and symptoms of cat colitis, and learn how to effectively treat the digestive disorder. Visit Hill's Pet UK to find out more. -
Gastroenteritis in Cats - What You Need To Know
Explore the signs, causes, and treatments of gastroenteritis in cats. Get expert help and guidance from Hill's Pet Nutrition UK and find out more. -
How Much Should Your Cat Weigh? Healthy Weight For Cats Explained
Your cat's weight is an important indicator of their overall health, and keeping their weight in check helps to keep them healthy. See more at Hill's Pet UK. -
How Much Wet Food You Should Feed A Cat
Wet cat food can be a real treat for your pet's taste buds and a great choice for picky eaters. See how much food you should be feeding with Hill's Pet UK. -
How Often Should You Feed A Cat?
Feeding time can be a wonderful bonding opportunity for you and your cat. Find out how to make the most of it and create a healthy habit with HIll's Pet UK. -
Why Your Cat May Be Losing Weight
Sudden cat weight loss can be alarming and could potentially be a sign of an underlying issue. Visit Hill's Pet Nutrition UK to find out what you can do. -
How To Feed a Cat With a Sensitive Stomach
Discover what you can do to spot and support a sensitive cat stomach. See what routines and food you can implement to help your cat be happy and healthy. -
Why Your Cat May Be Suddenly Pooping Outside of Their Litter Box
Find out why your cat is pooping outside of their litter area. A change in behaviour could be due to stress, or it could be something physical. Find out more. -
Blood in Cat Stool: Should You Be Concerned?
Find out more about blood in cat stool and the potential causes. There are many reasons for it, but blood showing in cat poo is not usually normal. -
Cat Constipation: Signs and Causes
Read the signs and causes of cat constipation to look for. Cat constipation can be a sign of an underlying issue so it's key to understand the potential causes. -
Prebiotics for Cats: What Are They and Why Are They So Important for Cat Digestive Health?
Discover the benefits of prebiotics in your cat's gut health. Prebiotics are a good bacteria that reach the digestive tract through fibre to support health. -
Prebiotics for Cats: What Are They and Why Are They So Important for Cat Digestive Health?
Discover the benefits of prebiotics in your cat's gut health. Prebiotics are a good bacteria that reach the digestive tract through fibre to support health. -
Lymphoma in Cats: What You Need to Know
Learn about lymphoma in cats, including causes, common types, symptoms, treatment options based on prognosis, and prevention tips. -
New Kitten Checklist: How To Give Your Kitten The Best Start
Explore the ultimate new kitten checklist to ensure you give your kitten the best start. For more kitten care tips and cat care advice, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
When To Start Feeding Kittens Solid Food
Find out the best time to transition your kitten to solid food for healthy growth and development. Visit Hill's Pet UK to explore more expert kitten advice. -
Cats & Tuna: Is it Safe for Them?
While cats can have a strong attraction to tuna, learn details on whether tuna offers proper nutrition and is safe for them to eat. -
Tips for Giving Your Cat Pills & Medications
Learn effective tips for giving your cat various medications, including getting her to take pills and best ways to handle injections, eye & ear drops. -
Helping Your Cat Lose Weight: Food & Exercise Tips
Learn easy ways your cat can lose weight and get back to a healthy weight to improve quality of life and overall health. -
Charting Your Kitten’s Development
Follow this timeline to learn the weekly & monthly progression of your kitten's development, including when to expect her to start walking & needing vaccines. -
How to Care for Cat Paw Pads
Learn why it's important to keep your cat's paw pads clean and healthy, including household items you can use to keep her paws moisturized. -
Why Do Cats Lick Themselves? Can it Become Excessive?
Learn common reasons why cats lick their paws, as well as signs when it might be excessive (such as hair loss) & what to do if it seems like a problem. -
Kitten Teething: Age Timeline, Signs & How You Can Help
Learn the common age timeline of a teething kitten, signs that they are entering the teething phase and how you can help alleviate their discomfort. -
Is My Cat Aggressive? When Does Play Aggression Cross the Line?
Learn tips for identifying overly aggressive behavior & play tendencies in cats, as well as how to handle aggressive behavior your cat may be displaying. -
Why Are Adopted Cats Returned to Shelters?
Learning common reasons why adopted cats are returned to shelters can help you better prepare for your adoption journey and enjoy your new pet. -
Why is My Kitten Crying? (and How to Help Them Stop)
Learn why kittens often cry as newborns, what age it should subside, and how you can help soothe and get them to stop through their first year. -
Cat Jumping? How to Keep Their Paws on the Ground
Learn why cats like to jump and be up high, as well as how to provide her with alternative options for jumping off your countertops and furniture. -
Things to Consider When Adopting a Cat from an Animal Shelter
When you adopt a cat, you don't just gain a best friend; you also save her life. Here's why getting a cat from a local animal shelter makes so much sense. -
How Many Cat Breeds Are There?
Learn how the history behind different registries of cat breeds, how each registry differs in their classifications, and if new breeds are accepted. -
Are Cats Good With Kids?
Are cats good with kids? Happily, the answer is yes! Use these tips to find the best cat for your family. -
Five of the Friendliest Cat Breeds
If you're looking for a friendly cat to welcome into your home, learn about six of the nicest & most affectionate cat breeds around. -
How to Read a Cat Food Label
Learn important things to look for on a cat food label, such as the difference between ingredients & nutrients, and how it can help you pick a cat food. -
Can Cats Eat Rice?
Can cats eat rice? And can cats eat rice to help with digestive issues? Read on to find out if rice can have a role in your cat's meal plan! -
Healthy Homemade Cat Treat Recipes
Learn how to make homemade cat treats that are healthy for your pet with this recipe from Hills Pet Nutrition. -
Is Chocolate Bad for Cats?
Chocolate is known to be poisonous for dogs, but it can also be toxic for cats. Learn why chocolate is bad for cats & what to do if she's eaten it. -
Are Bananas Safe for My Cat?
Are bananas safe for your cat? Learn helpful information on whether bananas are a good treat for your cat and why other options might be better. -
Cat Food Taste & Types: Does My Cat Like Their Food?
Learn about different types of cat foods, why your cat might actually like certain ones over others and questions to ask your vet about cat food taste. -
Cat Life Stages: Providing the Best Care for Your Cat at Any Age
From the kitten stage to the geriatric cat stage, learn the six cat life stages and tips for providing the best care for your cat at any stage of her life. -
Reasons for Your Cat Vomiting
Learn the different causes of cat vomiting, from throwing up common hairballs to more serious health concerns, and how grooming & food can help prevent it. -
How to Put Weight On a Cat
Learn how to tell if your cat is too skinny, including key causes of weight loss, and what you can do to help your cat get back to a healthy weight. -
My Cat Won't Eat: What You Can Do to Help
Does your kitty's lack of appetite have you asking, "Why won't my cat eat?" Learn reasons why she may be snubbing her food and tips for getting her to eat. -
Wet or Dry Cat Food: What Is Best For Your Cat?
Explore our guide to the pros and cons of wet and dry cat food to find what's best for your cat's needs. For expert nutritional guidance, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
Choosing the Best Cats for Flats
Learn important tips for choosing cats best suited for flats, including what types of living spaces are best for certain breeds of cats. -
Want to Foster Cats? Here's What You Should Know
Want to foster cats or kittens in your home? Learn the steps to take to become a cat foster parent, as well as helpful advice from a long-time foster mom. -
What You Need to Know When Adopting a Cat
If you're considering adopting a cat, learn how characteristics like age, hair length & breed can help you decide on the best cat match for your lifestyle. -
Ten Things to Keep Your Cat Comfortable After Adoption
Learn how to make things comfortable at home when adopting a cat. -
Cat Personalities: Considerations for Your Lifestyle
Learn important things to look for when getting a cat, such as age, hair length, and which cat breed personalities will suit your lifestyle best. -
Managing Cat Diarrhoea: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Learn tips for managing your cat's diarrhea, including how to recognize it, what might be causing it and treatment options your vet could recommend. -
Rehoming a Cat: Tips for Finding a New Forever Home
Learn situations which might necessitate rehoming a cat, as well as tips for researching new homes and how to prepare a cat for a new forever home. -
Are Olives Safe for My Cat?
Learn the science behind why many cats are attracted to olives and love eating them, as well as any health concerns about stuffed olives and olive oil. -
Cat Food Puzzles: How They Benefit Your Cat
Cat food puzzles let your feline channel their hunter-gatherer side and can also help with weight management. Learn about different types & benefits. -
Are Cats Protective of Their Humans?
Dogs are well-known for their loyalty, but are cats protective too? Learn whether cats defend their people and how to deal with an overprotective kitty. -
Should You Give Your Cat Bread?
A slice of warm bread is a tasty treat for many pet owners but should it be shared with a feline friend? Can cats eat bread, or is bread bad for cats? Before giving your pet some of your sandwich or baguette, here's what you need to know about cats and bread. -
Can Cats Eat Cheese?
Get information on whether cheese is safe for your cat, if there are any kinds that are better than others, or if they should avoid this snack altogether. -
Essential Oils for Cats: Are They Safe?
Wondering if you can use essential oils for cats? Learn all about essential oils and if there are any that are actually safe for your cat. -
Can Cats Get the Flu or a Cold?
Learn how flu & cold viruses can affect your cat, what signs & symptoms to look for, and what the prevention & treatment options are. -
Male Cat Urinary Blockages: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
While male cat urinary blockages are common, they can be life-threatening. Learn how to spot symptoms and info on prevention, treatments & stress factors. -
What Is the Best Couch & Furniture Material for Cats?
Wondering what couch materials will survive your cat's claws the best? Discover the best furniture material for cats, as well as some fabrics to avoid. -
Do Cats Fart?
While it may not be common, cats to indeed pass gas. Learn how your cat's food impacts their gassiness and whether you need to be concerned. -
3 Steps for Transitioning Your Cat to a New Pet Food
Switching cat foods can be challenging but it doesn’t have to be. Cats should gradually transition to a new cat food. Follow these tips to help ensure success. -
Can Cats Have Down Syndrome?
Learn about special needs cats and whether strange behaviors or physical characteristics might mean they have down syndrome. -
Why Does My Cat Yowl at Night?
Cats can be quite chatty, especially at night when their yowling can keep even heavy sleepers awake. Learn tips for how to deal with her nighttime noises. -
What to Do if Your Cat is Choking
If your cat is in distress and you suspect she's choking, learn how you can help her with the Heimlich maneuver, as well as prevent future choking issues. -
How to Care for an Injured Cat
Cat injuries require special attention—earn how to recognize a cat injury, details about cat wound care and recommendations for helping cats heal at home. -
Cat Grass: Is it Safe for My Cat?
Learn what cat grass is, whether it's safe for your kitty and why it may be beneficial for certain breeds, especially ones that are prone to hairballs. -
Cats & Slow Blinking: What Does it Mean?
Learn what your cat really means when she blinks slowly at you and why it's a gesture you can give her in return. -
Cat Sneezing: Causes and Concerns
Curious why your cat keeps sneezing? Learn some potential causes of her sneezing fits, including possible irritants and ties to dental issues. -
4 Incredible Rare Cat Breeds
Learn about some of the most rare cat breeds, such as the Egyptian mau, with their remarkable colors, distinguishing features and compelling histories. -
Why Does My Cat Walk on Me?
Cats often like to treat us like their personal cat bed, but why do they love to stand & walk on us? Learn why & how you can nicely curb this behavior. -
All About Feline Bartonella
Explore the signs of feline bartonella and learn if it can be transmitted to other pets or humans. If your cat is showing symptoms, learn how you can help. -
Why Do Cats Try to Eat Plastic?
You may wonder why your cat loves chewing & eating all kinds of plastic. Find out why she's fascinated by these items and what you can do to discourage it. -
Vet Checkups & Blood Tests for Senior Cats
If you have a senior-aged cat, learn why its so important to take her to regular vet visits & blood work, especially if she has a health condition. -
5 New Fun Things to Do With Your Cat
Looking for way to enrich playtime for your kitty? Discover fun new cat activities, such as cat apps, that can keep your furry friend occupied for hours. -
5 New Fun Things to Do With Your Cat
Looking for way to enrich playtime for your kitty? Discover fun new cat activities, such as cat apps, that can keep your furry friend occupied for hours. -
Why Is My Cat Limping?
Understand reasons why your cat might be limping, from joint problems to excessive jumping, as well as when you should be concerned and how you can help. -
Cat Asthma: Causes, Signs & Treatments
Learn about the causes, signs, and treatment options of asthma in cats. For expert advice on asthma management, visit Hill's Pet UK -
Leaving a Cat Home Alone: How Long is Safe?
Concerned about leaving a cat home alone? Considering if she's a kitten or senior cat and her relationship with you can help you decide how long is safe. -
The Science Behind Your Cat's Traits
Curious to know more about your cat? From how fast she runs to how high she can jump, learn what science has found out about your cat's distinct traits. -
Why is My Cat's Meow Silent?
If you're wondering, "Why does my cat meow without sound?" read on to discover what a silent meow actually means (as well as the other types of meows). -
Cats and Christmas Trees: How to Keep Both Safe
While it might be nearly impossible to separate your cat from your Christmas tree, learn ways you can combat her curiosity and keep her out of harm's way. -
Cat Dementia: More Than "Just Getting Old"
Learn from a Vet: Learn the signs of cat dementia and how vets distinguish this common, yet baffling condition from other geriatric feline diseases. -
Managing Osteoarthritis in Cats
Learn how osteoarthritis in cats affects your cat's joints, how to spot the signs and how you can help slow the progression. -
Five Common Cat Digestive Problems: What To Do
Discover some vet-recommended advice about some common cat digestive problems, including how to deal with upset stomachs, worms, hairballs, and more. -
Top Cat Pet Peeves: What Cats Hate
Just like humans, cats have pet peeves that drive them crazy. Learn common things your cat probably hates and how you can make her feel more comfortable. -
Determining Your Cat's Breed
Learn some easy ways to help you figure out what breed your cat is, such as physical characteristics like her coat color and body shape. -
Why Cats Like to Pounce
Discover the science and reason behind why cats like to pounce prey or toys, as well as peculiar behaviors to let you know when she's about to pounce. -
How to Teach a Cat to Fetch | Hill's Pet
Can my cat play fetch? Yes, it's possible! Learn an effective training method for teaching your cat to fetch, including what verbal cues to use. -
Food Allergies, Intolerance & Your Cat's Sensitive Stomach
Learn about how food allergies might be responsible for your cat's sensitive stomach & vomiting, and how trying a hypoallergenic cat food can help. -
Differences Between Male and Female Cats
Consider these behavior and appearance differences between male and female cats before choosing a forever friend. -
Do Cats Like to Be Petted?
Petting & picking up a cat can be tricky, but she'll give you signs to show she's ready. Learn her favorite spots to be petted and handling techniques. -
Extinguishing Heat Exhaustion in Cats
Do you know the signs of heat exhaustion in cats? Learn some helpful tips for helping your cat stay cool during the warmer summer months. -
Cat Poo: A Comprehensive Guide
Learn how your cat's poo can be a good indicator of her overall health, including how to spot unhealthy or abnormal cat poop and what it might mean. -
How To Support Your Cat’s Digestion
Find out about how you can support your cat's digestion to boost overall health. Diet is key to a long and happy life for your cat, so discover what you can do. -
Meal Feeding vs. Free Feeding Cats: What's Best?
It's important to feed your mature cat the right amount of food at proper intervals, but this can be tricky -- it is also worth remembering that feeding requirements can vary greatly from one cat to another. -
All About Cat Fleas
Discover how your indoor cat can get fleas, how to spot signs that she has them, and tips for getting rid of them & preventing them in the future. -
Hva du må og ikke må gjøre for å oppdra en katt
Har du problemer med kattens dårlige oppførsel? Lær å oppdra katten din på en effektiv måte med denne nyttige listen over hva du burde og ikke burde gjøre. -
Dos and Don'ts for Disciplining a Cat
Having trouble with your cat's bad behavior? Learn how to effectively discipline your cat with this helpful list of do's and don'ts. -
How to Help a Lost Cat
Learn tips for what to do if you find a lost cat, including how to determine if it's a feral cat, if it's lost or a stray cat, and how you can help. -
Cat Eye Care: Recognizing and Preventing 6 Cat Eye Problems
Learn about common eye problems in cats, such as conjunctivitis and corneal ulcers, as well as their causes, symptoms and treatment options -
Playing with Your Cat on a Budget: 7 Totally Free Games
Check out these seven cheap and easy games to play with cats, often using items you already have around the house. -
Relax Your Mind and Body with Cat Yoga
Learn about cat yoga, including its health benefits for both you and your cat. It's the perfect way to bond with her and get a workout at the same time. -
How to Decide if You're a Cat Person
Read some important questions to help you decide if you're a cat person or not. Cats require time, money, and emotional investments, but are often worth it. -
A Guide to Trimming Cat Claws
Learn helpful tips for trimming your cat's claws, including nail clippers you'll need and how short you should trim their claws -
How to Tell if Your Cat has a Fever
Ever wondered if your cat is under the weather? Learn how to check to see if she has a fever and what steps you can take to help her feel better. -
Cat Parents: Bringing Your New Cat Home
If you're new to this whole cat parent thing, you might be feeling a little intimidated. Even if this new kitty isn't your first, adopting a new cat can be both exciting and overwhelming. -
Cat Play: How to Keep Your Kitty Engaged
A bored cat is not a happy cat. Making sure your furry friend is mentally stimulated and engaged through cat play will make them happier and is likely to bring you more peace too, especially if your cat is showing destructive behaviours like shredding your curtains or digging up your potted plants. -
Choosing the Best Cats for Flats
Tips for choosing cats best suited for apartment living, including what types of living spaces are best for certain breeds of cats. -
Why an Adopted Cat May Be Returned to the Shelter
Read on to learn the common reasons why an adopted cat may be returned to the shelter, to help you better prepare yourself to adopt a cat. -
One Woman's Story of How Adopting an Older Cat Changed Her Life
Adopting an older cat occasionally comes with some challenges, but those are easily outweighed by the love and companionship senior cat adoption offers. -
Satiety's Important Role in Your Cat's Overall Weight and Health
Worried about your overweight cat? Some of them may be cute, but concerns about a fat feline are just as common, and the first thing you should do is consult a veterinarian to find out if there's an underlying cause to the weight gain. -
How to Choose the Right Cat Nutrition for Your Cat
Choosing cat nutrition and the healthiest food for your cat can be difficult. -
Choosing A Healthy Cat Food: Things You Need to Know
Like you, cats need a healthy food and balanced nutrition at every stage of life to thrive, but you can't just serve her a salad for dinner and call it a night. -
Dangerous festive Plants to Avoid for Your Cat
Decorating your home for the holidays gets your whole family in the festive spirit, but it -
Using Your Kid's Old Toys as Homemade Cat Toys
If you're a pet parent who's also a human parent, you already know that your fur baby loves your kids' toys. -
Simple Ways to Keep Your Senior Cat Moving
As senior cats slow down, they may walk a little slower, jump more gingerly, and play a little less. Learn some cat exercises to keep your pet active! -
Mixing Cats and Christmas
Cats and holidays sometimes mix about as well as oil and water. -
DIY Cat Stain & Odour Remover That Actually Works
Learn how to make your own DIY cat stain remover, as well as how to remove cat odours from your home. -
Dealing with hairballs
Almost all cat owners have seen a hairball or heard the disturbing sound of their cat trying to cough one up. -
Grain Free Cat Food: What You Need to Know
Learn the facts about grain free cat food and if it's the right choice for your cat. From questions on food allergies to digestion concerns, Hill's can help. -
Removing Foul Smelling Cat Odours From Your Home
Learn how getting rid of cat odors in carpets and fabrics is key to getting your house to smell fresh and clean. -
Cats and Sweets: Halloween Safety for Your Cat
Some ingredients found in Halloween candy and other treats can cause an upset stomach in your cat, while others can be downright toxic and dangerous to ingest. -
When Pet Parents Are Away, Cats Destroy: Five Funny Situations
Read about the funny, and sometimes aggrevating, things that cats do when you leave the house. -
How Cats Show Affection to Their Humans
Discover some common ways that cats show love for their owners. Learn to recognize these signs of affection, even though they might seem a little bizarre. -
Stress and Feline Urinary Problems: How to Deal With It
Learn how to identify and reduce the chances of feline urinary issues by helping alleviate stress in their life. -
Tips for being a purrfect new cat parent
Whether you just adopted your new cat from a local shelter, a breeder or a store, there's nothing better than bringing them home. -
Managing Your Cat's Nocturnal Behavior
Learn a few ways to deal with your nocturnal cat -
Preparing Your Nervous Cat for Large Gatherings at Home
Having a large group over? Learn some helpful ways to prepare your nervous cat and keep her from feeling overwhelmed by the amount of people and noise. -
The Meaning Behind Your Cat's Meow: 5 Distinct Cat Sounds & Noises
From a meow to a purr, learn what your your feline friend is telling you when she makes these five distinct cat sounds. -
DIY Cat Toys Your Feline Friend Will Love
Discover how to make three creative DIY cat toys out of homemade items. Cats get bored very easily, which is why you need to keep their interest. -
Kitten Proofing Your Home with 10 Easy-to-Follow Tips
Discover how kitten proofing your home will make your new cat feel safe and happy, while making you feel like a confident new pet parent. -
Kittens Need Proper Nutrition From The Word Go
Human babies need specific foods to help them grow strong and kittens need special kitten food to help them grow and develop normally. -
Choosing the Best Cat Food: What to Look For
From essential vitamins & minerals to different types of meat, learn what to look for when choosing the best cat food for your feline. -
Your Cat Needs Attention? Here's What She'll Do to Get It.
When a cat wants attention, she'll pull out all the stops until she gets what she wants. -
Safe Play Between Cats and Kids
Learn to help cats and kids enjoy fun and safe playtime together. -
Five tips to stop cats from scratching up the furniture
There are many tips out there on how to deal with cat scratching, so to help you out, we’ve chosen our top five tips. -
Clever Ways to Keep Your Cat Active: Food Scavenger Hunts
A scavenger hunt will keep your feline friend moving, maintaining their mental & physical health. Here are a few tips to get started. -
Cat Training: How to Train Your Cat the Easy Way
When learning how to train your cat, you'll start with very basic first steps that both reward good behavior and discourage the bad. -
10 Fun Ways Cats Wake Up Their Owners
Learn why cats waking up owners is a long-standing tradition between pet and pet parent. Sometimes, it's the funniest part of your relationship. -
Six Ways to Socialize Your New Cat
Socializing a cat into a new home takes patience and love. Discover these cat socialization tips to help an adopted cat adjust to her family. -
Six Ways to Socialise Your New Cat
Socialising a cat into a new home takes patience and love. Discover these cat socialisation tips to help an adopted cat adjust to her family. -
Skin Problems to Watch For in Your Cat
Recognise these common skin problems that ail many cats to help keep your feline friend happy and healthy. -
Vegan Cat Food for Carnivorous Felines?
Discover what vegan or vegetarian cat food is, and why it is not the best choice to feed your carnivorous cat. -
Setting the Facts Straight: Common Myths About Your Cat
Learn about some of the most common cat myths and whether they are true or not. -
Choosing a vet for your cat
Learn about the best ways of finding a vet, cost of treatments, and more factors for choosing the right Veterinarian for your cats health care. -
Common Concerns in an Overweight Cat
As a responsible pet owner you owe it to yourself and your cat to understand problems associated with overweight cats. -
Reasons Why Your Cat is Throwing Up After Eating
Learn why your cat might be throwing up their food after eating and what you can do to help prevent it. -
The Tales Your Cat's Tail Tells
Your cat's tail can tell you about what's going on inside her head. Tails are good indicators of mood. -
Moving & Relocation with Your Cat: Tips & Suggestions
Learn more about moving, transporting, and helping your cat settle into a new home with these tips on relocating with your pet. -
Playing with your cat
Learn more about how playing with your cat – choosing the right cat toys, games, sound stimulation, and frequency are an important part of maintaining their health and your bond with them. -
Diet Considerations for Pregnant & Nursing Cats
Feeding your cat properly is critical during pregnancy and nursing. Malnutrition can result in low birth weight of the kittens and put them at health risk. -
Siamese Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Learn about the Siamese cat including physical and personality traits, history, and living with one at home. -
The Meaning Behind Your Cat's Dry Nose
Learn more about the many reasons your cat can have a dry, warm nose from your friends at Hills Pet Nutrition. -
Finding Your New Kitten: Where to Look
There are several places to get a kitten. Learn more about finding a kitten at a shelter, breeder, rescue organization or local newspaper. -
Techniques for Training Your Kitten
Learn how to train your kitten how to obey your commands without resorting to punishments with our obedience training tips. -
Techniques for Training Your Kitten
Learn how to train your kitten how to obey your commands without resorting to punishments with our obedience training tips. -
Understanding Your Cat's Behaviours
Cats are good at letting you know what they want, either vocally or with their bodies. It won't be long before you understand what your kitten is trying to tell you. -
Understanding Your Cat's Behaviours
Cats are good at letting you know what they want, either vocally or with their bodies. It won't be long before you understand what your kitten is trying to tell you. -
Sickness and Diarrhoea: Is it a feline emergency?
Just like people, cats can experience occasional stomach upset. If your cat exhibits any of the following, especially after eating, she may have a sensitive stomach. -
Are cats trainable?
To train your new kitten, you need an understanding of how she thinks and behaves. -
Suggestions for Grooming Your Cat
Cats are extremely clean animals, but even the most fastidious cat will benefit from a little help with grooming. -
Fun Games for Exercising Your Cat | Hill's Pet
Discover which cat toys games your feline friend might like, and how they are great sources of exercise. Explore our library of articles to learn more. -
Fun Games for Exercising Your Cat
Discover which cat toys and games your feline friend might like, and how they are great sources of exercise. Explore our library of articles to learn more. -
Adopting an Adult Cat: What You Need to Know
Learn why bringing home a shelter cat, especially if you're adopting an adult cat, is such a great option for pet parents. -
Useful Ways to Help Your Cat Exercise
Cat Workouts and Exercise Tips, smart practical pointers for staying active and optimising weight through exercise. -
Choosing the Right Food for Your Senior Cat
As your cat grows older, feeding time can be a real challenge for both you and your cat. -
Bombay Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
An active, curious cat, the Bombay loves watching the world around her and can be so affectionate that she demands time with her parent. -
Cats and Mice: What to Do If Your Cat Catches a Mouse Trophy
Cats love to catch mice. And as natural hunters, they're very good at it. -
Tips for Socialising Your Kitten with People & Other Pets
Socialising your kitten ensures she becomes a cat that relates well to people and is a friend and companion. -
Using Positive Reinforcement when Training Your Kitten
Food rewards, like a few kibbles of Science Plan™ cat food should be given for using the litter box or scratching post, playing with toys and being relaxed when you handle them. -
People with allergies and cats
Cats and people with allergies can happily live together in the same home. Learn more about cat allergies, and how to control them in your house. -
Choosing Safe Toys & Games for Your Kitten
Just like any child in the family, a kitten needs safe toys to play with. Learn what toys are appropriate. -
Feeding Multiple Cats: Setting Up a Feeding Station
Multiple cats bring a lot of joy to a household but they can also bring some challenges when it comes to feeding. Here are some tips to consider if you have more than one cat that you are caring for. -
Persian Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Better understand your Persian housecat by learning more about it's physical characteristics and personality traits. -
Important Information on Food Allergies & Intolerance in Your Cat
Learn about the warning signs, symptoms, and treatments of pet food allergies and food intolerance in cats and the affect on your cat's health and well-being. -
Balinese Cat Breed - Facts & Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Learn about the Balinese cat breed including physical and personality traits, history, and living with one at home. -
Abyssinian Cat Information and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Among the most popular cat breeds, the Abyssinian is easy to care for, and a joy to have in your home. They’re affectionate cats and love both people and other animals. -
Tips for Buying Your Cat Treat-Dispensing Toys
Are you looking to get your cat more active? Then you may want to consider using a food-dispensing (also known as treat-dispensing) cat toy, which provides both physical and mental stimulation during snack times. -
Pain Relief for Your Cat: Dangerous Medications to Avoid
Know the risks of giving your cat over-the-counter pain medications, and how to properly care for their pain. -
What to Expect at Your Kitten's 6-Month Health Check
A comprehensive health check for your kitten at six months is an important step toward ensuring a long, healthy life. -
The Importance of Cat Health - From A Kitten to a Healthy Cat
From the moment you first get a kitten it is important you look after it to promote good health. -
Helping Your Cat Overcome the Feline Obesity Epidemic
Cat obesity is a significant problem - learn more about helping your cat become trimmer and healthier through improved nutrition. -
Pregnancy in cats
If you have or think you have a pregnant cat, click to learn more about how to properly care for her needs including preparation and delivery tips. -
Subtle Signs that Your Cat is Aging
Health-related issues in cat become more common as they age. Here are 6 senior feline health concerns you need to know about. -
How to deal with your Cat’s upset stomach
Lots of pets suffer from upset tummies from time to time. While the specific details sometimes don’t make pleasant reading, it’s important that you know what to expect. -
Feline Gastrointestinal Disorders & Stomach Sensitivity - Cat Diseases | Hill's Pet
Any disorder that reduces the digestion or absorption of food, or alters its passage through the digestive tract, can be called a digestive disorder. -
Kidney Disease in Cats: Causes, Signs & Treatments
Learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment options of kidney disease in cats. For expert advice on managing your cat’s kidney health, visit Hill's Pet UK -
What causes weight gain in cats?
Being overweight puts a cat at risk of developing many serious health issues. Weight gain indicates an increase in body fat and usually results when your cat eats too much and exercises too little. -
Is your cat putting on weight?
Learn about the warning signs, symptoms, and treatments of cat obesity and weight management in cats and the conditions that affect on your cat. -
Feline Urinary Tract Diseases & Infections: Facts & Nutritional Tips
FLUTD stands for Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease and is a term used to describe any group of disorders or diseases that affects the lower urinary tract (bladder or urethra) in cats. -
Helping Your Cat Recover from Serious Illness or Accidents
Learn about the treatments, recovery and how the food your feed your cat can have a tremendous effect on a cat -
Does My Cat Have Dry Skin? - Tips and Advice
Learn how to spot the signs of excessive dry skin in cats, what could be causing your cat's skin irritation, and how you can help alleviate your cat's dry skin. -
Helping a Cat with Sensitive Skin
Cats with sensitive skin have special needs and even healthy cats can sometimes develop poor skin health. Learn more about sensitive skin symptoms in your cat, what you can do to help your pet feel more comfortable and get recommendations on sensitive skin cat food. -
Brushing & Food: Keys to Maintaining Your Cat's Oral Health
Did you know that brushing your cat's teeth is just as important as brushing your own? According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, 70% of cats show signs of oral disease by age 3. Brushing your cat's teeth is easier if you follow this step-by-step guide. -
Liver Disease in Your Cat: Causes, Signs & Symptoms
Learn about the warning signs, symptoms, and treatments of liver disease in cats and the affect on your cat -
Home Dental Care Methods for Your Cat
Learn the importance of feline dental health, and how you can help keep their teeth and gums healthy with these cat oral healthcare home tips. -
Cat Anxiety: Understanding Your Stressed Cat
Cats do experience anxiety! Learn the signs of cat anxiety, their implications on their overall health, and what you can do to help easy their anxiousness -
Arthritis in Your Cat: Signs, Causes & Treatment
Middle aged to senior cats can develop arthritis. Also known as degenerative joint disease, it can be a source of chronic pain and negatively affect your cat’s quality of life. -
Important Information About Kidney Disease in Cats
Kidney disease and renal failure can kill your cat. Know these 4 facts about feline kidney disease, the symptoms to look for, and when to call your vet. -
Ways to Help Your Overweight Cat Lose Weight
Learn more about the problem of cat obesity and more importantly, what you can do to help your cat avoid becoming overweight. -
Feline Aging & How it Affects Your Cat's Brain
The impact of brain aging illnesses in senior cats can be significant not only on your cat, but on your entire family as well. -
Why cats won't use litter trays
Why has your cat started going potty outside the litter box? Learn the signs of a problem, understand the causes and learn more about the sudden change. -
Potential Health Concerns in Your New Kitten
Protect your new kitten -
Can cats see in the dark?
Now that you have a kitten all the things you've heard about cats over the years suddenly seem more relevant. -
Taking your cat to the vet
As any caring cat owner knows, a routine visit to the vet is anything but routine. Regular examinations are the right thing to do, but try telling that to your cat. -
Cat | Breeds - Hillspet.co.uk
Discover the unique characteristics of different cat breeds, as well as which one might be best for you. Explore our library of articles to learn more. -
Choosing the Best Kitten in the Litter
If you are choosing your kitten from a litter, a few simple tips can help you pick well. Take your time and ask lots of questions. -
Cat | New Pet Parent - Hillspet.co.uk
Learn what to expect & how to prepare if you're bringing home a cat for the first time. Explore our library of articles to learn more. -
Kitten Psychology: Understanding What Your Cat is Thinking
To provide your kitten with the best possible care, it is important to understand her. Learn more about what your kitten thinks and does. -
Your Cat's Five Senses & How They Work
Five senses uniquely define your pet as a cat. Learn more about how each one plays an important role in how the world is perceived. -
Soiling Indoors
Spraying can be the sign of a larger urinary health issue for cat. Learn what it means and what you can do to help remedy it. -
Is Your Cat Hiding Pain? Recognising the Signs & Symptoms.
It can be easy to miss the signs your cat is sick; they don't all resemble the colds that people contract from time to time. -
Soiling Indoors | Hill's Pet
The cat is usually fastidious about its toilet habits and will consistently use a litter tray indoors, if it is provided, or soil in the garden. If she is soiling indoors it can therefore be very worrying. -
Spraying and Urinating Indoors
Most cats are very particular about their toilet habits and will consistently use a litter tray indoors or soil in the garden. -
Cats in heat
Cats in heat need special care and attention. If your cat has already been through a heat you won't forget her howling and the constant demands for attention. -
Why Your Cat Likes to Scratch
As your kitten grows, so will their claws! And to keep them in trim, They'll scratch. -
Stamping out bad behaviour
Spraying is perfectly natural cat behaviour and their way of marking somewhere with information about themselves. That said, it's not particularly desirable if done in your living room! -
Know Your Cat Health Basics
When you get a cat or kitten or are thinking about bringing one into your home, it is a vitally important part of that process that you do proper research first. -
Kitten Psychology: Understanding What Your Cat is Thinking
To provide your kitten with the best possible care, it is important to understand her. Learn more about what your kitten thinks and does. -
Why do cats meow?
Even a young child knows and mimics a cat noise. That distinctive 'meow' is not a simple cat sound. -
How Your Cat Uses their Tongue for Grooming
Learn about the trademark grooming characteristic of most cats from your friends at Hills Pet Nutrition -
Facts About Cat Health
When you own a pet you will want to make sure that you get all the health and nutrition facts straight in order to raise and share your life with a healthy and happy furry companion. -
Cat | Behaviour & Appearance - Hillspet.co.uk
Discover why your cat behaves the way she does, as well as what her expressions & body language means. Explore our library of articles to learn more. -
Your Senior Cat: Signs of Ageing in Your Older Feline
Your cat may not be a wound-up kitten anymore, but old age shouldn’t keep your senior cat from getting the most out of the year's ahead. -
How Clicker Training Can Help Your Cat's Behaviour
Clicker training can help you progress from giving food rewards to giving praise when teaching commands to your kitten. -
Preparing Your Cat for a New Baby
How will your cat react to having a new arrival in the house and how do you ensure cat and baby get along? Vet and behaviourist Francesca Riccomini offers advice on how to prepare your family feline for a new addition. -
Steps for Command Training Your Kitten
Take command of your kitten -
Sharing a Bed with Your Cat: Steps for Success
The personality of your cat is probably the most important part of whether a human-feline sleeping arrangement will work. -
Why and When to Neuter Your Cat or Kitten
Besides being adorable, there are many other benefits to owning a kitten as a pet. Cats are generally very neat and tidy pets. -
Meeting The Housemates
If you already have a cat at home, they're likely to become territorial when your new kitten arrives. -
Your kitten shouldn't be allowed outside the home until they're completed her first course of vaccinations. -
Seasonal Advice
The changing seasons bring new adventures for your kitten, but also certain hazards. Follow the steps below, and she'll be able to enjoy the highlights of your calendar as much as you do. -
What's your kittens idea of a nice break?
Everyone loves a holiday. Or do they? Many cats really don't like travelling, but if they get used to it from an early age it's not normally a problem. -
Vaccinating your kitten
Your new kitten will start life with some natural immunity from diseases from her mum, but as this wears off you'll need to have her vaccinated to keep her healthy. -
Tips & Advice for Making Your House Safe for a Cat
While your home may be the most comfortable place your cat will ever know, it can also be the most dangerous. Learn how to keep your cat safe. -
Treat your cat for life – not just for Christmas
Everyone likes a little treat every now and then - and especially now that Christmas is coming. -
Travelling with your kitten
Creating an enriched environment for your senior cat can increase activity and mental stimulation, and reduces potential behaviour problems. -
When to call a vet
You know your cat better than anyone else and, if you're at all concerned, you shouldn't hesitate to pick up the phone to your vet. -
Keeping Your Cat Well Groomed
When it comes to grooming, kittens are fastidious; they learn how to keep themselves clean and tidy from their mothers. -
Keeping Your Cat Close to Home
Cats with access to the great outdoors enjoy lots of fun experiences but they also face risks too: traffic, dogs, other cats, picking up fleas or contracting nasty diseases… -
The Importance of Wellness Visits for Your Senior Cat
Your senior cat could be hiding something – other than your car keys. That’s right, yours could be hiding an illness right now and you’d never even know it. -
Looking after your kitten’s welfare
The first thing to do is to ensure your cat has all his injections and that your local vet has given you the all clear on his cat health. -
Summer Heat and Warm Weather Tips
Much like us humans, cats need special care when it comes to hot, sunny weather. -
Why Exercise is Important to Keep Your Cat Healthy
Explore different ways to keep your indoor, outdoor, or fat kitten fit, and learn the effects of exercise on your kitten -
Bringing Home Your First Kitten
Besides being adorable, there are many other benefits to owning a kitten as a pet. Cats are generally very neat and tidy pets. -
What You Need to Know to Care for Your Senior Cat
Learn more about helping your cat, stay healthy and happy in their later years through vet visits and better nutrition. -
10 Important Health Tips for Senior Cats
However, as much as we value having them in our lives, it’s easy to take our pets for granted. Your senior cat, on the other hand, appreciates every single thing you’ve ever done. Why not return the favour? -
Standard Home Health Checks for Your Cat
Proper kitten care starts at home. Learn the different signs of a healthy kitten and different preventative methods to use to keep them well. -
Keeping Your Cat Active & Safe in Summer
Learn more about taking your cat outside during the summer and how to keep your pet safe. -
Helpful Tips for Travelling with Your Cat
Get helpful tips and advice for travelling with your cat including by car, train, or air. Learn the safest ways for your cat to travel. -
Keeping Your Cat Comfortable When Home Alone
They may not show it - but many cats can develop separation anxiety while you are away. Learn how to help keep them happy when home alone. -
A purrfect coat for your kitten
Learn the visual signs that your cat is healthy including what to look for in her skin, ears, and eyes, as well as as signs you should call your vet about. -
Useful Ways to Keep Your Cat Active in Winter
Ensure your cat stays active and healthy this winter by following these easy-to-adopt practices. -
How to groom and bath your cat
Part of keeping cats healthy is ensuring they are clean and well-groomed. Get tips on how and when to bathe and groom your cat. -
Cats and Children
Learn more about how children and cats can live and play together wonderfully with these basic handling tips from your friends at Hills Pet Nutrition. -
Helping Your Cat Adapt to Cold Winter Temperatures
Learn more about keeping your cat healthy and safe during the cold winter months. -
Common Health Problems in Older & Senior Cats
Cats are living longer than ever before, into their 20s in some cases. This has introduced new health concerns for older cats. -
Planning a Safe Christmas for Your Cat
Learn more about keeping your cat safe and healthy during the holidays. -
Fleas and worms
Learn more about common parasites that can affect your cat, how to prevent them and how to treat them. -
Introducing a New Cat to Your Current Pets
Read about how to introduce a new cat into your household of current pets to help reduce stress and make sure they all get along well. -
Caring for a Senior Cat: The Basic Essentials
Senior cats certainly have unique needs compared to when they were younger, but how do you know when your cat is senior and their needs have changed? -
4 Ways to Help Your Cat Maintain an Ideal Weight
Learn about how to ensure your cat attains an ideal weight and maintains a healthy weight for life with these four steps to a healthier cat from your good friends at Hills Pet Nutrition. -
Your Cat's First Month At Home: Tips Suggestions
Learn more about the basics of cat care in the first month, including choosing the right cat bedding, cat toys, cat carriers, pet id tags and litter boxes. -
Making Your House a Fun & Enjoyable Place for a Cat
Creating an enriched environment for your senior cat can increase activity and mental stimulation, and reduces potential behaviour problems. -
Introducing Kitten to a Cat
Bringing a new kitten into the household is a special and exciting time for all the family... except potentially for your current cat! -
Bringing your kitten home
Everybody’s heart melts at the sight of a new kitten. But that adorable bundle of fluff you’re bringing home is going to need looking after for life. -
Keeping Your Kitten Safe: Collar, ID Tags & Microchips
A safety collar and identification tags, or even a microchip, is one of the most important things you can do to ensure the safety of your kitten should she become lost. -
Routine Care for Cats | Hill's Pet
Discover some basic ways that you can care for your cat properly. Explore our library of articles to learn more. -
Why Regular Veterinary Visits Are Important to Your Kitten
Learn about taking your cat to the vet with these tips for transporting your cat with a carrier, the car ride, and arriving at the veterinarian office from your good friends at Hills Pet Nutrition. -
Playtime with Children
When it comes to playtime, your kitten is a natural; and will turn anything into a game. -
Cat | Play & Exercise - Hillspet.co.uk
Discover which cat toys games your feline friend might like, and how they are great sources of exercise. Explore our library of articles to learn more -
What Is Your Cat’s Gut Microbiome and Why Is It Important?
Find out how to support your cat's gut health and microbiome. The microbiome is an important tool for achieving overall health, but it is a sensitive ecosystem. -
Foods that are Dangerous or Toxic to Cats
Many human foods are dangerous to cats. Read about 5 of the worst toxic food offenders that can kill your cat - and how much it takes to hurt them. -
How and When To Feed Your Mature Cat?
There are three common ways to feed a cat. Each way has its advantages and disadvantages. -
The Downside of Free-Feeding Your Cat
Understand the dangers of free-feeding your cat and learn how proper feeding methods can help promote a healthier, higher quality of life for your cat. -
Knowing About Cat Nutrition
Many experienced cat owners will know that cats need specific and specialised nutrition in order to live full and healthy lives. -
How a kitten's nutritional needs differ from ours? | Hill's Pet
In a study of homemade pet foods, more than 90 percent of foods were found to be nutritionally unbalanced and incomplete for pets. -
The Most Important Nutrients in Your Cat's Food
Learn about the ingredients of all Hill’s Science Diet cat foods that create a proper foundation for good cat health. -
Is Your Cat Becoming a Fussy Eater?
Change is an inevitable fact of life, even for cats. Take the first birthday for example. That's a real a milestone for a cat, marking the transition from kitten to adulthood. -
The Best Food For Your Cat
People have lately become much more aware of the nutritional needs of their cats. -
Food & Portion Tips to Avoid Overfeeding Your Cat
Obesity is a growing problem in our feline population. In fact, over 50% of cats seen by veterinarians are judged to be either overweight or obese. -
The Effects of Catnip on Your Cat
Learn what catnip is, and whether or not it is safe to give to your cat and any side effects associated with catnip. -
The Importance of Protein in Your Cat's Food
The right combination of proteins is essential, but your cat needs help achieving the correct mix. Hills Pet Nutrition can help in choosing the right cat food to ensure your pet gets a sufficient boost of protein power. -
Cat Food "Made in the USA": What It Really Means
Do you know where your cat food of choice comes from? Is it truly Made in the USA? Learn about products labeled as Made in the USA. -
Feeding your kitten: some food for thought
Kittens grow a lot in their first year, so it is important to provide them with the proper nutrients early, so they grow up healthy and strong. Learn more. -
Hill's Cat Foods: Nutritional Balance Just for Indoor Cats
Find the right Hill -
Important Ingredients to Look For in Cat Treats
Learn more about the ingredients in cat treats and how they impact your cat. -
Introducing a New Food
Cat's nutritional needs change as they age, so it is important to know when to change their food to keep them healthy and active. -
kitten to senior cat food: cat nutrition by lifestage
No single food is appropriate for all lifestages of your pet. This article teaches owners about the changing nutritional needs of their pets from puppy and kitten to adult and mature adult. -
The Truth About Cats And Milk
It is a common misconception that cats should be given milk regularly as a treat. -
Feeding Fish to Cats
Your mother has probably told you this countless times: fish is good for you. But is feeding fish to cats a good idea? -
Cats and running water
If your cat refuses to drink from their water dish, or sees it more as a toy, learn some different ways you can encourage your cat to drink from a bowl. -
Facts & Information on How Cats Eat
Choosing the right cat food for your special pet's specific needs is one of the best ways to influence your cat’s future health and happiness. -
Deciding if a Natural Food is Best for Your Cat
Understand what natural cat food really means and how to pick a high quality natural cat food for your furry friend. -
Homemade Cat Food Raises Concerns
Learn more about homemade cat food from a study about how homemade pet foods were found to be how to be nutritionally unbalanced and incomplete for pets. -
Hill's Cat Foods: A Healthy Choice for Your Cat
Selecting the right food for your kitten is a key to quality nutrition and a long, healthy life. Learn more about how to select the right kitten food. -
Caring for Your Cat Through All of Life's Stages
HillsPet Nutrition provides information on proper nutrition, fitness and special needs in keeping your cat healthy and happy. -
How Fats are Essential to Your Cat's Healthy Diet
Learn about the importance of fat in your cat. -
Cat treats are a fun subject for you and your cat!
We all love giving our furry friends a special treat now and then - learn how to do so without compromising the health of your cat. -
Nutrition & feeding: cat | hill's pet
Discover how to manage your cat's food; from key ingredients she needs to decide when to change foods. Explore our library of articles to learn more -
“Smile!” How to take the perfect picture of your cat | Hill's Pet
Every cat is unique and, in the eyes of every 'pet parent', the most beautiful animal to ever walk the earth. And that's just how it should be. -
Steps to Regulate Your Cat's Diet
It's important to feed your adult cat the right amount of food at proper intervals, but this can be tricky -- feeding requirements vary greatly from one cat to another. -
Havana Brown Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Find out everything you need to know about the Havana Brown cat breed including personality traits and physical characteristics. -
Bengal Housecat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Better understand your Bengal Housecat breed by learning more about it's physical characteristics and personality traits. -
Norwegian Forest Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Learn about the Norwegian Forest cat including physical and personality traits, history, and living with one at home. -
Cat | Tools & Resources - Hillspet.co.uk
Check out our in-depth library of cat-related articles and resources, compiled just to help you through the many journeys you'll experience with your cat. -
Tiffany Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
A moderate looking cat with no extremes, the loving Tiffany enjoys your company and will prefer it over being left alone. Also known as Chantilly. -
Birman Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Find out everything you need to know about the Birman cat breed including personality traits, physical characteristics, and breed origins. -
British Shorthair Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Get information about the British Shorthair cat including facts, history, personality traits, and what it's like to live with this breed of cat. -
Caring for your kitten's new teeth
Brushing your kitten's teeth is not as difficult as you might think; if you start early and use a special cat toothpaste that she likes, your kitten will even look forward to it. -
Manx Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
A placid cat, the Manx will likely get along with all of the people in your life and provide many years of loving companionship. -
Burmilla Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Learn all you need to know about the Burmilla cat breed including personality traits, physical features, and breed origins. -
Maine Coon Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
A sweet tempered cat, the Maine Coon is a highly adaptable to any environment and features a heavy, but silky coat. -
Devon Rex Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Read about the Devron Rex cat breed including facts, history, personality traits, and what it's like to live with one. -
Chartreux Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Learn about the Chartreaux cat including physical and personality traits, history, and living with one at home. -
Japanese Bobtail Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
A smart, sweet cat, the Japanese Bobtail is happiest among people and features a soft, melodious voice that wins the hearts of listeners. -
Oriental Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Learn all you need to know about the Oriental cat breed including personality traits, physical features, and breed history. -
Somali Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Get information about the Somali cat breed including physical characteristics, personality traits, breed history, and what it's like to live with one. -
Ragdoll Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Get information about the Ragdoll cat including facts, history, personality traits, and what it's like to live with this breed of cat. -
Cornish Rex Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Learn more about your Cornish cat including personality and physical traits. Discover information about its origins and what its like to live with one. -
Burmese Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Read about the Burmese cat breed including facts, history, personality traits, and what it's like to live with one. -
Turkish Angora Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
A sweet, quiet cat, the Turkish angora is loyal and affectionate but can also become upset by sudden changes in her environment. -
Egyptian Mau Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Learn about the Egyptian Mau cat breed including personality and physical traits. Discover information about its origins and what its like to live with one. -
Cymric Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits | Hill's Pet
Get information about the Cymric cat including facts, history, personality traits, and what it's like to live with this breed of cat.
Crystals And Stones In Dog And Cat Urine
Learn about the causes and treatments for crystals in dog and cat urine to maintain your pet's health. For expert urinary care advice, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
An Owner's Guide To Safe Water Sources For Pets
Ensure your pet's hydration with our owner's guide to safe water sources for pets. For detailed tips on maintaining your pet's health, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
Pet Home Alone: Back to School's Effect on Your Pet
See how the back-to-school season impacts your pet more than you may know, and discover strategies to help them adjust. For more advice, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
Tips For Mixing Wet And Dry Pet Food
Discover tips for mixing wet and dry pet food to ensure balanced nutrition and variety for your pet. For comprehensive feeding advice, visit Hill's Pet UK. -
Develop your gut instinct
Digestive disorders can affect any part of the digestive system, from the stomach, small intestine and through to the large intestine. -
Finding your next best friend : why adoption is the way to go?
Learn about one dog trainer's journey to becoming a pet adoption counselor and how she's honed her skills to match people up with just the right pets. -
What to Expect After a Pet Cancer Diagnosis
Learn important considerations following a pet cancer diagnosis, including treatment choices, general expectations and information on palliative care. -
The History of "Fighting Like Cats and Dogs"
Are dogs and cats really mortal enemies or can they learn to get along. Read on to learn more about the myth of dogs and cats always fighting. -
What You Should Know About Pet Food Calories
Learn how to determine how many calories your dog or cat needs each day, as well as how to count their calories and what to do if they're getting too many. -
Pet Sitter Checklist: 7 Essential Items
If you have a new sitter for your furry friend, use our pet sitter checklist to ensure they know your pet's essential info & exactly how to care for them. -
Virtual Vet Visits: What You Need to Know
Learn the ins and outs of a televet appointment before you talk to a vet online. -
Can Dogs and Cats Eat Ham?
With ham & pork products being popular holiday foods, learn how safe it is to give your dog or cat table scraps like ham, bacon and other pork products. -
How to Perform CPR on Dogs & Cats
Knowing how to perform CPR on a dog or cat can potentially save your pet's life. Learn the step-by-step instructions you need to know. -
How to Choose the Best Dog and Cat Names
Open admission animal shelters help end animal abandonment, homelessness, and unnecessary euthanasia. Learn more about the shelters and how you can help. -
How much does it cost to adopt a dog or cat?
Are you thinking about getting a new dog or cat, but not sure if you're financially ready? Read on to learn about some of the costs that you will need to consider before you adopt. -
Can Dogs and Cats Eat Butter?
Learn all about whether butter is safe for your dog or cat and what to do if they eat it. -
Can Dogs & Cats Have Avocados? (& Are They Safe?)
Even though avocados are healthy for humans, discover whether they're safe for dogs & cats (including details on potentially harmful ingredients for pets). -
Nutrition For Healthy Pet Skin and Coat
Learn nutrition's role in your pet's skin and coat health, as well as tips for choosing the best dog or cat food for a healthy coat. -
What Should I Do With My Pet When I Travel?
Learn helpful tips if you're considering leaving your pet when going on holiday, including ideas for who can watch them, options for boarding them & more. -
Is It Safe to Give My Dog or Cat Fruit?
Discover which fruits are safe for your dog or cat, and which ones are toxic. For fruits that are safe, learn tips for how much you can give them. -
Adopting a Pet: What You Need to Know
Learn the basics of adopting a pet, including where to begin and common questions you should ask yourself when deciding which kind of pet is best for you. -
Shelter Pets: What You Need to Know
Thinking of adopting a shelter pet? Learn what to look for in a dog or cat, why it's important to take your time & choose the right pet for your lifestyle. -
Cats vs. Dog: Which Is the Best Pet for Me?
Learn about important differences between dogs and cats, such as cost & space considerations. These factors can help you decide which pet is best for you. -
Managing Pet Separation Anxiety When Returning to Work & School
When it's time to return to school or work full-time, learn helpful tips to avoid pet separation anxiety & help your dog or cat feel safe when you're gone. -
How to Take Your Dog's Or Cat's Temperature
Learning how to take a dog's temperature (or how to take a cat's temperature) is clear evidence of a pet parent's commitment to their health. -
Tips for Working From Home With a Pet
Get helpful information on how to get all of your work done while keeping your dog or cat entertained when working from home. -
Benefits of Adopting a Pet During Self-Quarantine & Isolation
Learn how adopting a pet during self-isolation and quarantine can be both a rewarding and positive experience, both for you and your potential new friend. -
The Incredible Science Behind Your Pet's Microbiome
Learn what your pet's microbiome is, how it contributes to your pet's gut and overall health, and why nutrition is important in maintaining healthy microbiomes. -
What Nutrients Can Help a Pet’s Immune System?
Learn why nutrients like antioxidants & amino acids can help improve your pet's immune system, as well as top antioxidants to look for in pet food. -
Adopting a Blind Dog or Cat: What You Need to Know
If you're considering adopting a blind pet, learn tips & considerations for living with a blind cat or dog and how to prepare your home for a blind pet. -
Coronavirus, COVID-19 and Your Pet: What You Need to Know
Learn information about the family of coronaviruses in pets, including whether dogs & cats are susceptible to COVID19 and details about transmission. -
What Dog Breed is Best for My Cat?
Learn why some dog breeds are better for cats than others, including recommendations based on breed size & temperament, and tips for introducing them. -
Benefits of Pet Adoption Events
Pet adoption events are the perfect way to find your new furry friend! Discover how animal adoption events bring together pet parents and animals in need. -
What Pet Might Be Right For You?
Learn what it's like to adopt a special needs pet and how behavioral challenges or disabilities can be overcome to give them a proper forever home. -
How to Get Rid of Pet Hair Around the House
Pet hair removal is often a struggle, but it's not impossible. Learn tips for cleaning your household surfaces and getting rid of airborne pet hair. -
How to Care for Terminally Ill Pets
Terminal illness is one of the toughest things pet parents face. Learn how to handle caring for a terminally ill pet with end of life care. -
Giving Pets as Gifts: How to Do So Responsibly
Is giving someone a pet a good idea? It may seem like a wonderful idea, but important factors to consider and some tips for doing it the right way. -
Finding Forever Homes for Special Needs Pets
Learn what it's like to adopt a special needs pet and how behavioral challenges or disabilities can be overcome to give them a proper forever home. -
Bonded Pair Cats and Dogs Can Be Double the Fun
Learn about the special relationship between bonded pairs of cats & dogs and why it's a great idea to adopt both of them together. -
10 Responsible Pet Care Tips
Get helpful pet care tips you can use every day, such as vet visit and identification advice, to keep your dog or cat happy and healthy. -
Shelter Heroes: How a Pet Adoption Counselor Finds Forever Homes
Learn about one dog trainer's journey to becoming a pet adoption counselor and how she's honed her skills to match people up with just the right pets. -
Expectations for Visiting an Animal Shelter
If you're considering a pet shelter adoption, you may have a lot of questions. Learn how to prepare for your visit. -
Is My Pet Gay?
Stop wondering whether or not dogs or cats can be gay and discover what science says about this behavior in the animal kingdom. -
What Are Open Admission Animal Shelters?
Open admission animal shelters help end animal abandonment, homelessness, and unnecessary euthanasia. Learn more about the shelters and how you can help. -
Pet Supply Storage: 8 Upcycling Crafts for Bags and Cans
Get helpful hints and tips on how to creatively upcycle your pet's food bags and cans, helping to reduce waste and give your home some visual flair. -
Predictive Biology: The Science Behind Our Pet Food
Learn how the science of predictive biology plays a role in formulating your pet's food to interact and work with your pet's biological process. -
Fun Ideas for Kids and Pets This Summer
Outdoor summer activities with your dog or cat can be fun for kids, too. Learn how they also teach kids responsibility & creates a bond with their pet. -
The Science Behind Our Love for Pets
Learn the scientific reasons why we have such strong connections with our pets, and what science says about the love between humans and our furry friends. -
Help! My Dog Doesn't Like Me & I Have a Standoffish Cat
If you've ever thought to yourself, "My dog doesn't like me," or "Why do I have such a standoffish cat?" rest assured that you aren't the only pet parent who has these concerns. -
Ring in the New Year with These Pet Resolutions
At the end of the calendar year, many people ring in the new year by creating a list of habits they'd like to start (or stop) doing to benefit their health and happiness. -
The Aging Differences Between Humans and Pets
Learn about the signs of aging in dogs and cats and how they compare similarly to those in humans so you can provide the best care for your aging pet. -
How Pets Help Ease the Transition to an Empty Nest
Everyone handles kids going to college differently. Some people may be excited for the life change. -
The Right Diet For Your Pet
In people, the right diet is very important. If you are eating the wrong way for your metabolism, activity level, age and lifestyle you could end up with health issues. -
Dog and Cat Friends: Created by Fate, Fostered by Family
Learn how one kitten took the old idea that dogs & cats are supposed to be enemies, and formed a friendship with 3 unlikely canine friends. -
Pet Body Condition Score - Check Your Pet's Weight | Hill's Pet
Monitoring your pet’s body condition score (BCS) can help you help your pet maintain proper growth and weight for a long, healthy life. -
What Human Food Does to Your Pet: Human Caloric Equivalents
Understand what effect feeding your pet table scraps really has on their daily caloric intake with this easy to understand human equivalent chart. -
To make a protein, amino acids are linked together in a long chain. The chain is then bundled into to a three-dimensional structure, like a tangled ball of yarn. -
More than 18 mineral elements are believed to be essential for mammals. -
Show some love with wet foods: a great choice for pets with health issues
Show some love with wet foods: a great choice for pets with health issues. -
Pet Nutrition And Behaviour | Hill’s Pet
Many people think that the behaviour of their dog is an element that is affected solely by breed, environment and training (or lack of). This, however, is not entirely true. -
Weight loss and management, proven in the real world | Hill's Pet
If you have an overweight pet, you’re not alone. As many as 1 in 3 pets in the UK are overweight because many pet owners think ‘more food’ means ‘more love.’ -
Vitamins can be divided into two main groups depending on whether they are soluble in fat or water. -
Why antioxidants are important
Cells are continually under attack from compounds called 'free radicals'.
Causes and signs of stress in cats | Hill's Pet
Learn about the signs and causes of a stressed cat, plus what actions can help manage your cat's stress | Hill's Pet Nutrition -
Cat Digestive Conditions and Foods | Hill’s Pet Nutrition
Learn about common disorders that can affect your cat’s digestive health, such as diarrhoea and EPI, and how the right food can help with these issues. -
Cat Weight Conditions | Hill's Pet
Learn the signs & reasons that your cat might be overweight, health concerns tied to cat obesity, and how proper nutrition can put them on a healthier path. -
Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats | Hill's Pet
Learn about kidney conditions in cats, what the signs are, and how the right cat food can help support your pet. -
Dog Digestive Conditions and Foods | Hill’s Pet Nutrition
Learn about common disorders that can affect your dog’s digestive health, such as vomiting or diarrhoea, and how the right food can help alleviate these issues. -
Chronic Kidney Disease in Dogs | Hill's Pet
Learn about kidney conditions in dogs, what the signs are, and how the right dog food can help support your pet. -
Dog Weight Conditions | Hill's Pet
Learn the signs & reasons that your dog might be overweight, health concerns tied to dog obesity, and how proper nutrition can put them on a healthier path. -
Skin & Food Sensitivities in dogs
Skin & Food Sensitivities in dogs -
Cat cancer risk factors, nutrition, and support | Hill's Pet
Learn more about cancer in cats, including symptoms, risk factors, handling the diagnosis, maintaining nutrition, types of cancers and other tips. -
Dog Health Conditions | Hill's Pet
Puppy, kitten and pet dieting, cat nutrition and dog nutrition information from Hill's Pet Nutrition -
Cat Health Conditions | Hill's Pet
Puppy, kitten and pet dieting, cat nutrition and dog nutrition information from Hill's Pet Nutrition -
Food & Environmental Allergies in Dogs | Hill's Pet
Learn helpful info about food & environmental allergies that can affect dogs, such as common allergy triggers, recognizing symptoms & tips for managing -
Dog cancer risk factors, nutrition, and support | Hill's Pet
Learn more about cancer in dogs, including symptoms, risk factors, handling the diagnosis, maintaining nutrition, types of cancers and other tips.