簡單的貓抓柱 DIY 創意 | 希爾思寵物


你家活力充沛的愛貓並非存心找麻煩才亂抓沙發貓咪需要為牠們的抓磨行為找到出口,不過你用不著擲重金去商店買貓抓玩具,也能滿足愛貓的需求。利用家中隨處可見的材料,完全可以輕鬆製作一個 DIY 貓抓柱。

多數毛孩家長是經歷過一番痛苦掙扎,才弄明白貓咪與生俱來的抓抓慾。如果讓牠有機可趁,你的窗簾、地毯甚或沙發都會被抓成碎片。本文將提供 5 個利用簡單便宜的物品製作貓抓柱的創意。

1. 貓抓書紙板

Gray cat in red collar standing on plaid scratching board on wood floor.貓咪會抓東西有很多原因:磨掉爪子的外層(你可能會在家中看到碎屑)、伸展身體,以及留下體味,要提醒你牠才是家中的老大。無論什麼原因,只需要兩樣常見的物品,再點綴些縫紉知識,就能讓愛貓縱享抓抓之樂。


  • 咖啡桌大小的大本硬皮書
  • 大條的棉質浴巾
  • 堅韌的線
  • 縫針


Hand holding plaid fabric over books to make cat scratch board.製作方法



2. 超酷的地毯抓板

Grey cat lying on a flowered area rug cat scratch board on wood floors.作為書紙板的替代品,你可製作地毯抓板(這次不會破壞書籍喔)。


  • 平面的板子(木片或不用的書架也可以)
  • 小塊地毯或碎地毯
  • 槌子
  • 標準尺寸的小號裝飾用大頭釘。你可在附近五金行花少少錢購買材料。



Woman hammering tack nails into board to secure a flowered area rug to wood for cat scratch board.將地毯翻面放在地上,再把木板放到地毯上。將地毯的一邊折起並用大頭釘固定。沿著邊緣,在木板和地毯接觸點縱向嵌入大頭釘,將地毯和木板好好固定到一起。在其他三邊重複以上步驟。不要在地毯重複折疊的位置上釘,大頭釘無法用來固定超過兩層厚的毯子。裁去多餘材料後,再用長釘子固定。另一個方法是讓多出並折起的地毯「維持現狀」;這樣當抓板放在地板上時,可創造出很棒的彈簧動作。翻面,使地毯正面朝上。


3. 貓抓硬紙板堆

若你理想中的 DIY 貓抓柱只要 10 分鐘就能組裝完畢,這是最適合你的方法。

Stack of cardboard taped together


  • 任何形狀大小的硬紙板盒
  • 任何顏色的封箱膠帶
  • 美工刀



Hand holding small rectangle piece of cardboard over wood floor.在地上將紙盒徹底攤平。使用美工刀,切開紙盒的 4 個邊緣,這樣就得到 4 塊紙板。將每塊紙板分切為寬 5 公分、長 40 到 80 公分的長條。實際長度可隨你自由發揮創意,沒有硬性限制。將硬紙條堆疊到一起,粗糙的切割邊緣組成平坦的平面。用封箱膠帶緊緊纏繞每片紙條的尾端,以進行固定。快放在地上讓貓咪玩吧。

另外的好處?無須使用整個盒子,就算做一半放棄,還是有很棒的 DIY 貓抓玩具可以炫耀喔。

4. 書架躲貓貓抓板



  • 書櫃的底架請確保家具已固定於牆上,以免塌下來或翻倒。
  • 地毯材料,根據書架尺寸進行裁切。
  • 厚實的雙面膠帶



Hand attaching carpet to inside of bookshelf.


5. 樓梯立柱貓抓杆

Flowered area rug wrapped around staircase spindle

這種創意可以打造更複雜的 DIY 貓抓柱,提供毛小孩多元的抓抓表面,還能防止牠破壞樓梯地毯。對你和貓咪來說可謂是雙贏。


  • 有立柱的樓梯
  • 裝飾布料、碎地毯或小塊地毯
  • 重型加厚釘書機和訂書針或縫針和堅韌的線



首先,決定要讓貓咪玩幾支立柱;2 到 3 支應該就夠了,不過要是玩不夠,牠會用牠的方式告訴你。按照立柱的尺寸裁剪布料,避免浪費(記得多留一段布料才好固定)。。用訂書針或針線將布料兩端釘/縫起來。

Hand attaching flowered area rug to staircase spindle.



不論你選擇哪種 DIY 貓抓柱,為貓咪製作出這些又酷又有創意的玩具時,你定會有種滿滿的成就感,你還可以依個人喜好決定玩具的材質,一展自我風格。開心做起來!



Christine O'Brien Contributor Bio Image


克莉絲汀‧歐布萊恩是位作家、母親,還養了兩隻混種俄羅斯藍貓。除了寫毛孩文章外,她也對親職教養有所著墨。可關注她的 Instagram 和 Twitter @brovelliobrien。

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Your energetic cat doesn't claw at your couch just to annoy you. Cats need an outlet for their scratching behavior, and you don't have to spend a ton for a store-bought structure that satisfies this instinct. You can easily construct a DIY cat scratching post with items you have around the house.

Most pet parents learn the hard way their cat needs to scratch this genetic itch. And if given the opportunity, she'll turn your curtains, carpet, or even your couch into shreds to do so. Here are five ideas for how to make a homemade cat scratching post using simple, inexpensive items.

1. Cat Scratching Book Board

Gray cat in red collar standing on plaid scratching board on wood floor.A cat scratches for a variety of reasons: to shed the outer layer of her claws (which you may find around the house), stretch her body, and leave her scent to remind you who the real boss is in the house. Whatever her reason, you can indulge her with only two common items and a remedial knowledge of sewing.

What You'll Need

  • Large hardback coffee-table-sized book
  • Large, cotton bath towel
  • Heavy-duty thread
  • Sewing needle

If you don't have an old hardcover book you're willing to let your cat dig into, you'll find plenty at a second-hand shop. World atlases have a perfectly smooth cover, but any type of hardback book will do. When choosing a towel to dress it in, be sure to use a plush material that doesn't have a lot of loose threads, which could cause your furry kitty's claws to snag.

Hand holding plaid fabric over books to make cat scratch board.How to Make It

Fold the towel in half to double-up the material. Lay it flat on the floor, then place the book in the middle. Fold your towel over the book, gift-wrap style. Pull taught so there are no folds on the front side; you want a flat, durable scratching surface. Stitch together the seams where they meet on the back, flip it over, and voila: You have a cat scratching book board.

It's best to set this board flat on the floor rather than lean it against something; the heavy weight of the book can cause the board to fall and startle your cat.

2. Crazy Cool Carpet Scratching Board

Grey cat lying on a flowered area rug cat scratch board on wood floors.As an alternative to a book board, you can build a carpet scratching board (no books are harmed in the making of this item).

What You'll Need

  • Flat board (scrap wood or a discarded book shelf work well)
  • Small area rug or carpet remnant
  • Hammer
  • Small, standard-sized upholstery tacks. You can purchase a pack of these inexpensively at your local hardware store.

There are no length or depth requirements for the board, so you can choose a size that fits your cat's needs (the board in the picture is a particle board bookshelf). This board will lay flat on the floor or hang from a wall, so it doesn't require a base. When choosing a rug, keep in mind cats prefer rough fabric, again with very few loops or loose threads their claws can snag on. Luckily, finding a sturdy but inexpensive area rug for this board is all too easy, and yields a cat accessory you won't have to hide when company comes over.

How to Make It

Woman hammering tack nails into board to secure a flowered area rug to wood for cat scratch board.Place the rug upside down on the floor and plant the board on the back of the rug. Fold up an edge of the rug and secure it with tacks. Place these tacks along the edges lengthwise, where the rug and board meet, in order to secure it properly. Repeat this step for the remaining three sides. You don't want to tack where the rug is folded more than twice because the tack won't secure more than two layers deep. Having trimmed the excess material, use longer nails to secure it. Another option is to leave the rug folds "as is"; they create a nice spring-action when the board is flat on the floor. Flip over carpet-side up.

Note: The cat pictured above loved this scratching board so much that he refused to move for a very long time.

3. Cat Scratching Cardboard Stack

If your ideal DIY cat scratching post involves just ten minutes of assembly, this is the project for you.

Stack of cardboard taped together

What You'll Need

  • Cardboard box, any size or shape
  • Packing tape, any color
  • Box cutter

With this item, you don't have to worry about cutting a perfectly straight edge. You'll get more scratching surface if it's somewhat jagged.

How to Make It

Hand holding small rectangle piece of cardboard over wood floor.Fold the box out flat on the floor. With the box cutter, detach the four sides of the box so that you have four sections of cardboard. Cut each cardboard section into strips that are two inches wide and 15 to 30 inches long. There are no real length requirements, though, so feel free to go crazy. Stack strips on top of one another so that the rough, cut edges form a flat surface. Wrap packing tape tightly around each end to secure the strips. Set it on the floor and let your cat have at it.

Another benefit? You don't have to use the whole box, so even if you quit after just two sections, you'll still have an awesome DIY cat scratching toy to show for your effort.

4. Bookshelf Cat Scratching Hideout

If you're in need of a cat scratching post but don't have room for one, consider this setup, which combines two things a kitty loves to do: scratch fabric and enclosed spaces.

What You'll Need

  • Bottom shelf of a bookcase. Be sure the furniture is secured to the wall to keep it from collapsing or tipping over.
  • Carpet material, cut to fit the shelf's dimensions
  • Heavy, double-sided tape

Hot glue or upholstery tacks are other adhesive options if you're willing to make this space a permanent home for your kitty.

How to Make It

Hand attaching carpet to inside of bookshelf.

Empty the bookshelf completely. Measure out each carpet piece to fit every wall of the shelf individually (top, bottom, back, and two sides). Secure the carpet remnants with your tack, hot glue, or similar adhesive. You might consider lining the outside of the shelf too, as high up as your furry friend can reach when stretching. She'll appreciate the extra scratching surface!

5. Staircase Spindle Cat Scratching Rail

Flowered area rug wrapped around staircase spindle

This idea takes the DIY cat scratching post to another level, offering your furry family member multiple scratching options while distracting her from tearing up the carpet on the stairs. It's a win-win for both you and her.

What You'll Need

  • Staircase with spindles
  • Upholstery fabric, carpet remnant, or small area rug
  • Heavy-duty stapler and staples or needle and heavy-duty thread

When choosing fabric, look for a textile that goes well with your décor, and purchase enough to replace when your cat shreds this roll. Instead of stapling, use a needle and heavy-duty thread to stitch the fabric. Staples can be easy for certain cats to pull out if the fabric is particularly thick or her claws have yet to be trimmed.

How to Make It

First, decide how many of the spindles you want to give your cat; two to three should suffice, but she'll let you know if she wants more. Cut the fabric to size so that it wraps around the spindle without too much excess (you do want the fabric to overlap a bit so that you can secure it). Staple or stitch the fabric ends together.

Hand attaching flowered area rug to staircase spindle.

This scratching post option offers your kitty a fun way to exercise, and keeps her from shedding her nails on the stair treads instead.

Once you know how to make a cat scratching post, it won't be long before your furry cat discovers her fun new accessory (most likely, she was watching you build it the entire time anyway). If she's hesitant to try it out, sprinkle some catnip on the fabric to attract and keep her attention. Still not taking to it? Walk away. Cats often don't like to be watched exploring a new contraption.

No matter which DIY cat scratching post you choose, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment making something cool and creative for your cat, and you can really make it your own by choosing materials that reflect your own sense of style. Happy building!

Image sources: Christine O'Brien

Contributor Bio

Christine O'Brien Contributor Bio Image

Christine O'Brien

Christine O'Brien is a writer, mother, and cat mom to two Russian Blue mixes. In addition to pets, she also writes about parenting. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @brovelliobrien.

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